ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Cumulative Volume by Stuart Thomson Do you need a street map in a new city? Do you need any direction before buying or selling a stock? Do you need to know the right time to buy or sell stocks? And, do you need a feeling of certainty once you have acted? O.K. There is a technical tool available to anyone willing to do his own homework to achieve these ends. It is based on supply and demand and is called Cumulative Volume, or CV for short. If technical analysis can provide us with guidance for determining (1) the future trend of the market generally, and (2) the future trend of the particula...
BY: Stuart Thomson
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Detecting dependence part 2 by Clifford J. Sherry, Ph.D. In an article in the last issue (Stocks & Commodities, April 1986), I outlined a means of detecting whether dependence existed between prices in a time series. To read this article, you should recall the method used in that article to create price change frequency histograms and divide them into classes. Also, to avoid repetition, the exemplary data series from that article will be used. Once you have generated the price change frequency histogram and divided it into the appropriate classes, like thirds, and assigned each price change ...
BY: Clifford J. Sherry, Ph.D.
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Fine-tuning the demand index by Thomas E. Aspray The Demand Index, which utilizes price and volume, calculates the buying pressure and selling pressure exerted on prices. These can be used to create an oscillator to identify accumulation or distribution in both stocks and commodities. Introduction In analyzing the commodity markets, I use a series of approximately twelve technical studies which I have selected after extensive historical research. If these studies are in agreement (uniformly bearish or bullish), they determine how much emphasis to put on the daily studies. For example, if t...
BY: Thomas E. Aspray
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Letters to Technical Analysis Fourier Analysis Editor, I have an understanding of Fourier analysis from being an old-time EE. Not a lot of depth. I would like more information on the Volume 1 and Volume 2 disks. I have Volumes 1 and 2 of Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities; also an IBM PC. Do you have any further literature or a phone number I can use to call you? ED VILAS - Silver Spring, MD Dear Mr. Vilas Volumes 1 and 2 computer disks are currently only available in Apple II computer format. We intend to supply them as subroutines for IBM DOS at a later date. Fourier analysis ...
BY: Technical Analysis, Inc.
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...SWEENEY AGONISTES by John Sweeney OUR APPROACH - Believe it or not, there is method to our madness in publishing articles. Two series of articles going on right now are laying the groundwork for much more rigorous technical systems. Clifford Sherry's articles are extracting the statistical techniques developed in neurophysiology for processing neural signals and applying them for our readers to trading time series. These articles constitute an arsenal of tools to analyze and categorize--objectively--the markets with which you are working. It is important to me to know whether the market I'm f...
BY: John Sweeney
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...The optimization of a trading program by Robert C. Pelletier Many people have purchased software which gives the opportunity to test various parameter combinations to achieve the maximum profit results. For example, a system which may use three moving averages to determine market entry, market exit, and, perhaps, a stop parameter, might require the investigation of a range of moving average readings for each of the three moving averages. Investigating all the combinations of three moving averages for a system where each moving average can take on 10 possibilities would require the computer t...
BY: Robert Pelletier
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Wyckoff in action by David H. Weis In 1908, Richard D. Wyckoff began publishing The Ticker, a monthly magazine designed to educate the public on how to understand and profit from the stock market. The early popularity of this magazine can be attributed to the series of articles which Wyckoff wrote on tape reading. He had spent 20 years on Wall Street and learned the secrets of the most successful traders who studied every transaction on the stock ticker. In describing James Keene, a successful syndicate manager, Wyckoff mentioned how he pored over the tape as if in a trance, analyzing ""price...
BY: David H. Weis