ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...BOOK REVIEW: Commodity Market Money Management by John Sweeney Commodity Market Money Management by Fred Gehm John Wiley & Sons, 1983 One Wiley Drive Somerset, New Jersey. Price: $37.95 There are really two sides to trading: the idea and the execution. The idea to trade, we get from a system or from our imagination. The management and execution of our activity (goal-setting, planning, controlling) is an area few pursue. Commodity Market Money Management covers this neglected side of trading, and it's a long-overdue treatment. Properly seen, money management covers the entire program of t...
BY: John Sweeney
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Corner The Market Many instructive articles and major works in the field of technical analysis and speculation lie undisturbed on dusty back shelves, or have fallen into obscurity because they are no longer in print. As a unique feature of this magazine and in line with our continuing commitment to offer our readers instructive or practical material we will be reprinting classic stories and articles on speculation and technical analysis culled mostly from private libraries. We feel this material, which is only available to our subscribers, will be of interest and value as we are all reaching ...
BY: Technical Analysis, Inc.
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Fourier Spectral Analysis by William T. Taylor Introduction Because many commodity and stock prices appear to exhibit some cyclical movement, it is important for the trader who relies on this characteristic feature to recognize these cycles and adjust the parameters of the particular technical trading system in use, accordingly. For example, the trader may wish to filter out or accentuate cycles of particular lengths using moving averages, Commodity Channel Index, or any number of popular trading systems. Some cycles can be seen, more or less, on the price charts from commercial charting se...
BY: William T. Taylor
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Letters to Technical Analysis Dear Dr. Warren: Recently I purchased a book, Digital Foundations of Time Series Analysis, by Robinson and Silvia, that touches upon the Maximum Eutropy Method (MEM). As much as I want to understand I the basics, my college training doesn't give me the advanced mathematical concepts needed to fully appreciate what the authors try to explain. For this reason, I am grateful for your series on the MEM applied to spectral analysis and forecasting. It has already clarified a few basic ideas, for which I thank you. The MEM appears to be an elegant and powerful analyti...
BY: Technical Analysis, Inc.
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Maximum Entropy Optimization by Anthony W. Warren, Ph.D. and Jack K. Hutson The Maximum Entropy Method (MEM) is a promising new system for short-term Spectrum Analysis and trend forecasting. In this article we discuss the process of obtaining an optimal set of MEM coefficients using the author's code as adapted to the Compu-Trac system. The basic theory and terminology associated with the MEM method are discussed in a Technical Analysis article ""An Introduction to Maximum Entropy Method (MEM) Technical Analysis"", published January/February 1984. To review some of the major points, MEM is a...
BY: Anthony W. Warren, Ph.D. and Jack Hutson
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...NOVICE SPECULATOR: An Anti-COMMODEX System by John Sweeney One observation I made when starting technical analysis was that there were relatively few bits of data to work with: price, volume, and open interest for a given futures contract and its related contracts and indices. Thus, any ""black box"" I constructed to forecast price action would be dependent on these inputs. I didn't want to repeat others' work (perhaps poorly), so my first thought was simply to find the advisory service which had best exploited each one of these variables--or a combination of them--and sign up. I figured years...
BY: John Sweeney
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Programming conventions for BASIC Technical Analysis subroutines: NO Input/Output routine is provided, only a generic BASIC computational subroutine containing the fundamental technical analysis is provided. this subroutine should, with only minor changes, work on any computer using the BASIC language. INPUT data (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.) must be provided by the user (i.e., YOU) in the following format: X(7,NUM) where...
BY: Technical Analysis, Inc.
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...The Seduction of Leverage by Jesse H. Thompson ""Leverage 'o Leverage. Ye siren of the speculative sea..."" --Anon. Rule: Do Not Overtrade! I must have bumped into this time worn dictrum a thousand times before I began to understand more fully the implications of this rule relative to actions taken in speculative markets. Of course, early in my studies I decided this rule was simply common sense and too basic to waste any further time or effort on, So I vowed to never overtrade and simple as that I was through with this rule. (Well, maybe I was through with this rule but it was NOT through...
BY: Jesse H. Thompson