ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Ask yourself these 10 thought-provoking questions to rediscover the right trading path ...
BY: Mike LauderdaleSUBJECT: At The Close
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...The following selection of book descriptions represents a sampling of recent book releases in the investing field ...
BY: Technical Analysis, Inc.SUBJECT: Books
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...ChartLabPro is a technical analysis-based platform designed to give you an overall view of your portfolio so you are better able to make trading decisions ...
BY: Jayanthi GopalakrishnanSUBJECT: Quick-Scan
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Where better to learn technical analysis and trading than a university with courses specializing in the subject? Roman Bogomazov is a trader and an educator, an adjunct professor at Golden Gate University (GGU) in San Francisco, where he coordinates technical analysis programs and teaches classes on trading strategies and implementation, including Wyckoff analysis. He is a board member of the International Federation of Technical Analysts and of the Technical Securities Analysts Association of San Francisco. Bogomazov is a frequent speaker at local, national, and international trading conferen...
BY: Jayanthi GopalakrishnanSUBJECT: Interview
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Got a question about options? Ask Price Headley, who was inducted into the Traders' Hall of Fame in 2007 and is the founder of, which provides investors with real-time stock and option strategies and investment education. To submit a question, post it to our website at or Answers will be posted at the message-boards, and selected questions will appear in a future issue of S&C ...
BY: Price HeadleySUBJECT: Options trading
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Sometimes you have to go back to the basics, especially when you hit a rut. One of the most basic technical indicators you can go back to is the moving average. It works well in trending markets but it also has its shortcomings. Here's how you can use it to your advantage ...
BY: Danish KapurSUBJECT: Indicators
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Want to find out how the futures markets really work? DeCarley Trading senior analyst and broker Carley Garner answers your questions about today's futures markets ...
BY: Carley GarnerSUBJECT: Futures trading
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Trading liquidity is often overlooked as a key technical measurement in the analysis and selection of commodity futures. The following explains how to read the futures liquidity chart published by Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities every month ...
BY: Technical Analysis, Inc.SUBJECT: Futures
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Where the heck are we, anyway? Knowing where we are now and what economic forces are in play in the broader scheme of things can be useful in anticipating where we're headed ...
BY: Matt BlackmanSUBJECT: Trader's Notebook
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...The editors of S&C invite readers to submit their opinions and information on subjects relating to technical analysis and this magazine. This column is our means of communication with our readers ...
BY: Technical Analysis, Inc.SUBJECT: Letters to the Editor
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Upon launching MetaStock Pro 12 (MSPro12), the first thing you see is an overlay of the MetaStock main screen. Called the ""Power Console"" screen, it has three tabs on the left: Charts, Explorer, and System Test...
BY: Dennis D. PetersonSUBJECT: Product review
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Trading was never simple to begin with, but considering how complex it has become, those early days when online trading was just introduced were a lot simpler in comparison. Nowadays, there is much more money flowing through the markets, but that money is chasing just a handful of trading vehicles each day ...
BY: Jayanthi GopalakrishnanSUBJECT: Opening Position
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Confused about some aspect of trading? Professional trader Don Bright of Bright Trading (, an equity trading corporation, answers a few of your questions. To submit a question, post your question to our website at Answers will be posted there, and selected questions ...
BY: Don BrightSUBJECT: Stock trading
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...This article is a continuation of Subach's previous article concerning diversification and risk reduction. This time, he will explore systematic and unsystematic risk with respect to total risk of investment. The capital asset pricing model (CAPM) presents how the market prices securities and helps determine expected returns. You must be compensated for the risk of your investment, and the CAPM provides a measure of the risk premium and a tool for estimating your expected return curve ...
BY: Daniel SubachSUBJECT: Investing
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Trading systems involve several components to make sure they perform as well as you would like them to. Here's how you can apply these components using the least-squares cubic system ...
BY: Dennis Meyers, Ph.D.SUBJECT: Trading systems
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Oscillators identify overvalued and undervalued situations. They have their advantages, especially in short-term valuations, but also struggle with recurring disadvantages. In this, the first of a series, we will look at how to overcome these disadvantages ...
BY: Dirk VandyckeSUBJECT: Indicators
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...When a trend has already begun, does that mean it's too late to get in? Not necessarily. This trading technique can help you get into a trend so you don't have to miss trading opportunities ...
BY: Barbara Star, Ph.D.SUBJECT: Trading systems
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...This month's Trade News & Products section includes announements by Ward Systems Group, Richey Enterprises, Aqumin and Option Research & Technology Services (ORATS), MLN Brokerage Services, BRICS Global Markets, Guggenheim Alternatives Platform, and New Zealand Market ...
BY: Technical Analysis, Inc.SUBJECT: News
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Trading systems can help take the subjective interpretation out of trading decisions by providing automated buy and sell signals based on preprogrammed rules. Here is a list of some commercial trading systems ...
BY: Technical Analysis, Inc.SUBJECT: Traders' Resource
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...For this month's Traders' Tips, the focus is Barbara Star's article in this issue, The DMI Stochastic."" Here we present the January 2013 Traders' Tips cod...
BY: Technical Analysis, Inc.SUBJECT: Traders' Tips
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...How do you know what direction the market is taking and where to invest with prevailing trends? How can you recognize a new trend developing? Starting in 2009 until recently, several exchange traded funds (ETFs) have gained the attention of the market since they have been showing prevailing trends ...
BY: Moshe Prince & Brian ScollickSUBJECT: Trading Ticket