BY: John L. MomsenSUBJECT: Trading Techniques
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Should you be trading pork bellies or AT&T? How can you tell what you should be trading, besides painful experience? This might give you a clue. Anyone who has ever observed the markets over time can tell you that some markets are erratic, while some are consistent and contiguous (Figure 1). Both types provide opportunities for trading, but the market you choose to trade will depend on your level of expertise -- some markets are notoriously volatile and not easy to deal with -- and personality. Perhaps you prefer trading in a market that moves consistently...
BY: Jayanthi GopalakrishnanSUBJECT: New Techniques
BY: Lawrence G. McMillanSUBJECT: Options
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...When Institutional Investor (II) magazine recently named its All-America Fixed-Income Technical Analysis Team, STOCKS & COMMODITIES Contributing Editor Alex Saitta was in first place. We thought a roundtable interview of the top three would be not only an offbeat interview but insightful for our readers. We put together S&C Interim Editor John Sweeney, Alex Saitta of Salomon Smith Barney, Robert Kepler of Lehman Brothers, and Michael Krauss of Chase Securities for a look at technical analysis in the big leagues. It turned out we'd found a fan of mechanical systems, a momentum player, and a sen...
BY: John SweeneySUBJECT: Interview
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...TRADERS' RESOURCE: BOOKS Editor, I am interested in trading actively (daytrading) as my career. Toward this goal, I have read several books -- Beating The Dow by Michael B. O'Higgins; Your Guide To Trading On The Web by David L. Brown and Kassandra Bentley; Fire Your Broker And Trade Online by Jonathan R. Aspatore; How To Get Started ...
BY: Technical Analysis, Inc.SUBJECT: Letters To S&C
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...TRADING NEWS STOCKS Since oil has been in the news lately, does that mean that XON and other oil companies are newsies and would not be good to trade? Or does the news have to be about the company directly before you would want to not trade it? -- J.L., Salt Lake City It is true we don't recommend trading "news stocks," but the news must be specific to the company. The opposite is true when underlying news (such as oil prices or the supply figures) will have a direct effect on stocks in several sectors (oil companies, oil services, distributors, airlines, and so on). The same is true for gold...
BY: Don BrightSUBJECT: Q&A
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...You can blunder around the Internet all you want, but for focused instruction on trading technique, the best information can still be found in paper pages. Here is just a sampling of all that is available out there in the way of books for traders and investors, but one thing the Internet is good for is browsing. You can quickly locate just about any book on trading over the Internet these days from Websites such as that of book reseller Trader's Press ( Also, both Amazon and Barnes and Noble will suggest related books once you home in on a subject. They can also ...
BY: Technical Analysis, Inc.SUBJECT: Traders Resoue
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...This veteran trader and market analyst starts a new series, this time discussing the basics of momentum trading. Momentum measures the velocity of a price move and is a generic term that describes the oscillators plotted under the price series of many charts. The same way that the word fruit encompasses apples, oranges, grapes, bananas, and more, momentum embraces a host of individual indicators, such as rate of change, relative strength index (RSI), moving average convergence/ divergence (MACD), and stochastics, as can be seen in Figure 1. Each indicator has different attributes, but the pri...
BY: Martin J. PringSUBJECT: Basic Techniques
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Do you honestly and truly want to make money? If you are a serious trader, you are in the business to make money. If you for some reason do not want to make money trading, you will sabotage your trading so you lose money, or do not make as much. As a result, you will find yourself out of the trading business, probably sooner than later. This relationship between trading and money is axiomatic; it is easy for traders to acknowledge the relationship, but not to adhere to it. For traders, the problem arises when the simple issue of making money becomes complicated, as it often does. Over time, ...
BY: Adrienne Laris Toghraie