ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Got a question about options? Tom Gentile is the chief option strategist at Optionetics (, an education and publishing firm dedicated to teaching investors how to minimize their risk while maximizing profits using options. To submit a question for our Explore Your Options column, post it to our website at Answers will be posted there, and selected questions will appear in a future issue of S&C. This month: the Santa Claus rally....
BY: Tom GentileSUBJECT: Options trading
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Forecasting models tend to rely either on fundamental or technical analysis to select stocks. Is one superior to the other? Find out here....
BY: Markos KatsanosSUBJECT: Indicators
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Want to find out how the futures markets really work? DeCarley Trading senior analyst and broker Carley Garner answers your questions about today's futures markets. This month: foreign futures....
BY: Carley GarnerSUBJECT: Futures trading
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Trading liquidity is often overlooked as a key technical measurement in the analysis and selection of commodity futures. The following explains how to read the futures liquidity chart published by Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities every month....
BY: Technical Analysis, Inc.SUBJECT: Futures
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Virtual trading rooms allow participants to log in and follow trade signals provided by a head trader. Ever thought of joining one? Here are a few things to keep in mind before you select one to trade from....
BY: Dean Handley, PhD, MBA, JDSUBJECT: Real world
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...The editors of S&C invite readers to submit their opinions and information on subjects relating to technical analysis and this magazine. This column is our means of communication with our readers....
BY: Technical Analysis, Inc.SUBJECT: Letters to the Editor
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Every day, institutional investors are moving millions of shares through the market, which the general public cannot see....
BY: Jayanthi GopalakrishnanSUBJECT: Opening Position
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...John Bollinger's website provides a wealth of tools for the trader. New features have been added, including an app that lets you get most of the website features on your Android or Apple IOS device. Also included is an artificial intelligence (AI) interface using an expert system, and who would you want more as your expert than John Bollinger?...
BY: S&C StaffSUBJECT: Product review
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Here in the second part of this article, you'll identify optimal parameters and find out how the system performed....
BY: Dennis Meyers, Ph.D.SUBJECT: Trading systems
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...You've heard it time and time again: You need to have a trading plan. But how do you create one? You have to start somewhere, and here's one system that can lift you into the world of system traders....
BY: Donald PendergastSUBJECT: Trading systems
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...The Trade News & Products section each month presents announcements of new or updated products related to the trading industry. This month, we present announcements from Innovative Market Analysis,, RJO Futures, Speculator Academy, and PredictWallStreet....
BY: Technical Analysis, Inc.SUBJECT: News
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Whether you choose to turn a physical page or a virtual one using your favorite high-tech reading device, tablet, or platform, books today are alive and well, available in more formats than ever before. With so many to choose from, including classic texts published long ago and the most recent arrivals on the scene, you can find numerous books that will teach you what you need to know about trading and the techniques to trade better....
BY: Technical Analysis, Inc.SUBJECT: Traders' Resource
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...For this month's Traders' Tips, the focus is Donald Pendergast's article in this issue, "Swing Trading With Three Indicators." Here we present the December 2013 Traders' Tips code with possible implementations in various software...
BY: Technical Analysis, Inc.SUBJECT: Traders' Tips
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Jea Yu is cofounder of, a virtual trading desk and trader education site. Yu is the author of several books and videos on trading, including his latest, Way Of The Trade. We spoke with him about how the markets have changed since he first started trading in the 1990s -- from the daytrading bubble of 1999-2001 to the rise of algorithmic and high-frequency trading -- and how he has responded to some of the changes in his own trading....
BY: Jayanthi GopalakrishnanSUBJECT: Interview
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Last month in part 1, we presented the basics of yield curve analysis. Here, we review its historical performance in various countries through the use of yield spread indicators....
BY: Giorgos E. Siligardos, Ph.D.SUBJECT: Intermarket analysis