ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Stocks & Commodities V. 27:12 (38-42): Highs & Tight Flags by Thomas Bulkowski Does the high & tight flag work as well as some say? Find out here. I have spent 30 years playing the markets. During that time, I have written several books including two encyclopedias covering 166 price patterns from chart patterns to event patterns to candlesticks, but one pattern outperforms the rest: the high & tight flag. New research indicates that this chart pattern may not live up to expectations. Let's take a closer look. WHAT IS IT? The high & tight flag was popularized by William O'Neil in his book,...
BY: Thomas BulkowskiSUBJECT: Chart Patterns
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Letters To S&C by Technical Analysis, Inc. Volume-Weighted MACD Editor, The article "Volume- Weighted Macd Histogram" by David Hawkins in the October 2009 issue is certainly well written and instructive. However, it fails to note that the Vwmacd was originally developed by Buff Dormeier, Cmt. His 2007 paper, "Price & Volume, Digging Deeper," on volume-weighted moving averages, is available at: The earliest reference to the Vwmacd actually appears to be in Bollinger On Bollinger Bands, John Bollinger's excellent 2002 book. Bollinger attributes...
BY: Technical Analysis, Inc.SUBJECT: Letters To S&C
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Looking Forward With Jeff Parent by J. Gopalakrishnan Jeff Parent has been providing wealth management services to his high net worth clients since 1992. From many years of experience, he has become proficient in portfolio management techniques and has a broad knowledge of estate and tax planning. In his portfolio management role at Quadrexx Asset Management, he applies a strong price discipline to help control risk and improve returns. His specialty is technical analysis with a focus on quantitative methods. He regularly appears on Business News Network and is a recognized writer, public spe...
BY: Jayanthi GopalakrishnanSUBJECT: Interview
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Making The Most Of A Trend With The Disparity Index by Dan Valcu In volatile markets, it's difficult to forecast the formation of peaks and troughs. The disparity index is an indicator that helps you squeeze the best out of a trend whether you are trading equities, futures, or forex. Prices often rise or fall rapidly in a short period of time. But what is considered too far and too fast? How can we quantify these terms? Many techniques and indicators are used already to deal with this task, among them trendline slopes, breakouts, up and down gaps, and oscillators (rate of change, moving aver...
BY: Dan ValcuSUBJECT: Trading Systems
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Read The Future By Looking Back, Old Trendlines to Predict Future Movements by Cory Mitchell, CMT Can you extend old trendlines into time and use them to anticipate future price movements? Trendlines are well known to most traders, but most traders don't know all the ways trendlines can be used. Trendlines are often drawn, but when they are broken they are deleted. While a trendline does provide the function of acting as support in a downtrend or resistance in an uptrend, as well indicating a break of those trends when the trendline is broken, you can continue to extend old (broken) trendlin...
BY: Cory Mitchell, CMTSUBJECT: Charting
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Sizing Up For Success by John Sarkett Here's a look at how an option trader started small and graduated to trading "more size." True to his name, option trader Tony Sizemore trades "more size" than most. After a long career in mortgage lending, which included more than a passing interest in the financial markets, he turned his attention full time to options, specifically monthly income strategies from options. "This was the first time I had enough liquid capital to pursue trading as a business, and I reasoned that if I got serious about it, I could be successful as a trader," he said. Getti...
BY: John A. SarkettSUBJECT: Options
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Trading Forex by Koos van der Merwe So you want to trade the foreign exchange market, do you? Have you really thought this through? IF trading forex is what you really want to do, then the first thing is for you to decide how you want to trade. Do you want to trade short term, medium term, or long term? Whatever you choose, you must first understand what the forex market is. The foreign exchange industry exists whenever one currency is traded for another. The currency market is the largest in the world in terms of cash value traded, and that includes trading between large banks, central ban...
BY: Koos van der MerweSUBJECT: Forex Focus
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Taking A Position On A Measure Of Fear, Trading Volatility by Russell Rhoads, CFA The Cboe Volatility Index has been used as a measure of fear in the market, but there's more to it than that. Find out how you can use the Vix to take a position when you have an opinion about the direction of volatility in the equity market. Throughout the stock market goofiness in the second half of 2008, we were constantly told there was panic and the high level of the Cboe Volatility Index (Vix) was cited. If you were even just a passive viewer of Cnbc or any business program, you got the impression that th...
BY: Russell Rhoads, CFASUBJECT: Trading Techniques
BY: Brian TwomeySUBJECT: Treaders' Notebook