ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Classic Point And Figure by David Vomund It was around before computers; it was around before calculators. It's been around forever, and despite that, it still works. It's point and figure charting, and it still offers unique advantages. Here are some examples. Most people use bar charts or candlestick charts in their analysis. Another charting form, point and figure, is less known but offers unique advantages over the more traditional charting methods. The point and figure charting technique became popular in 1948, when A. W. Cohen published his book on point and figure. Surprisingly, the m...
BY: David VomundSUBJECT: Classic Techniques
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Interview: Yale Hirsch: Market Historian by John Sweeney Yale Hirsch is best known as the editor and publisher of The Stock Trader's Almanac, now in its 33rd annual edition. He is a stock market historian and stock analyst who could probably tell you, within reason, what the stock market is likely to do any hour, on any day, in any future year. That's not the result of any clairvoyance on his part, but rather the result of his detailed analysis of historical stock market behavior and cycles in differing political and economic environments. The January barometer is the best-known indicator fo...
BY: John SweeneySUBJECT: Interview
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Letters December letters include comments from Arthur Merrill, and a clarification of Alex Saitta's article ""Commodities And The Inflation Rate.""...
BY: Technical Analysis, Inc.SUBJECT: Letters To S&C
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Market Topology by Nicolas Vandewalle, Ph.D. Stock W affects stock X, which in turn affects stock Y, which drives stock Z. How do you work out all the interconnectivity? By using a market tree. No single indicator seems to represent the global (or local) structure of the market. It is possible to group stocks by sectors and to assume that stocks in the same basket are highly correlated, but doing so leaves the structure within a sector and the relationships between sectors unspecified. Is an objective representation of the market's structure possible? Could such a representation lead to a gl...
BY: Nicolas Vandewalle, Ph.D.SUBJECT: New Techniques
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Overcoming Trader's Block by Hal Masover You've done everything you can think of to profit from your trading. Why aren't you making any money? Maybe the problem isn't with your system. I must have spoken to more than 1,000 traders in the past couple of years at various conferences for traders and investors. I have met a few consistently profitable traders, but they have been unusual; for the most part, I met a lot of interesting, knowledgeable people with good trading methods who despite all of that are unprofitable. Why? The lack of success often has to do with the trader's actions in the ...
BY: Hal MasoverSUBJECT: Trading Psychology
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Phasor Displays by John F. Ehlers A high-tech display pinpoints anomalies and trading opportunities in price behavior. Remember that famous glass of water? The one that optimists see as half full and pessimists see as half empty? An engineer, however, sees the glass as having been designed with too much capacity. So what we see is really a matter of perception. Market technicians have designed a variety of techniques to visualize what has happened and to predict what the future holds. Candlestick charts and point and figure charts are two examples of charting price data. When it comes to in...
BY: John F. EhlersSUBJECT: New Techniques
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Q&A by Don Bright Professional trader Don Bright of Bright Trading, an equity trading corporation, answers a few of your questions on choosing stocks, moving average offset, following the index, and trading in decimals....
BY: Don BrightSUBJECT: Q&A
BY: Technical Analysis, Inc.SUBJECT: Traders' Resource
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Traders' Tips This month's selection of Traders' Tips, contributed by various developers of technical analysis software, include MetaStock and C++ code for ""Refining The Hilbert Indicator"" by John Ehlers and ""Optimizing With Hilbert Indicators"" by Roger Darley; Byte Into The Market's system for ""Chaikin's Money Flow""; and an example of neural networks using NeuroShell Daytrader Professional software....
BY: Technical Analysis, Inc.SUBJECT: Traders' Tips
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Trading Andrews Lines by John W. Chandler If you've ever wanted to know how to use the Andrews pitchfork technique, movement to movement, this should help you. About 20 years ago, I first learned about the work of Alan Andrews and his pitchfork charting technique. The concept seemed fairly straightforward; you start with a sequence of three turning points identified as the most significant highs and lows of the time frame you are working in. This can be either a high (A), low (B), high (C) or a low (A), high (B), low (C). (See Figure 1.) Next, you draw a line between the last two turning poi...
BY: John W. ChandlerSUBJECT: Visual Instruction
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Volume-Weighted Average Pricing by Michael Tanksley, Ph.D. What price should you aim to beat in your trades? Here's what the pros use. J. Welles Wilder once said, "Somewhere amidst the maze of open, high, low, and close prices is a phantom line that is the real market. "With that in mind, what numbers should you use to make your financial decisions? It's hard enough to make those decisions, but it 's even harder when you aren't using numbers that truly represent the market. Volume-weighted average price (VWAP)is no phantom; it's the solution Wilder was looking for and what Wall Street profes...
BY: Michael Tanksley, Ph.D.SUBJECT: Trading Techniques