ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Commodity spread The Handbook of Commodity Spreads Price: $39.95 Wayne Esserman (800) 428-7808 (800) 382-7884 (Indiana) EWE Publishing P.O. Box 201 Delphi, Ind., 46923 The problem with spreads is that they just aren't sexy. There's not enough ""pop"" in them, not enough gusto. They ooze along, steadily but minutely changing day in and day out --a banker's deal. Not for them is the explosive single-day rally or collapse. Sure, the pros play these things and make money at them, but what fun are they? You have to follow at least two contracts at once, perhaps more. You have to worry abou...
BY: Technical Analysis, Inc.
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Crooks, Cranks and Honest Citizens: Trading Psychology by Fred S. Gehm In a competitive game like commodity trading, a player should hardly expect to receive good advice from the other players. It's like asking the poker player across the table from you how you can beat him. Yet there are men and women of good will in the market and good advice is available. Besides good will, one reason experienced traders will often give good advice is that they know that the better their advice the more certainly it will be ignored. One cannot spend much time talking with traders without hearing a trader a...
BY: Fred S. Gehm
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Discount broker blues Part 2 by Dan Weinberg Beginner's Luck Everyone assumes that when you talk about ""beginner's luck"" you are referring to good luck. This is an incorrect assumption in many cases, and it certainly was with my early trades in the stock market. Let's begin with those first ten stock trades. After realizing that I was $350 in the red before even getting out of the starting gate, I watched in amazement as my ""well-chosen stocks"" began to descend in value, even as they had ascended during my ""practice period.'' These were no speculative stocks, mind you; they were ""blue...
BY: Dan Weinberg
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Letters to Technical Analysis Gentlemen: Just received your October issue. The article by Morris on page 16 contains a gross error; specifically, the RSI formula on mid-page, and the subsequent information which is based on that formula. Morris' formula (second part) reads:......
BY: Technical Analysis, Inc.
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Part II. Implementation Using Alpha-Beta Filtering A trend following method for all seasons by Anthony W. Warren, Ph.D. Summary In the June issue of Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities we presented a trend following method for stock and commodity trading which has a number of advantages over moving averages for trade timing. The method consists of computing an upper and lower trend channel which defines an uncertainty band within which the market price fluctuates, and computing a trading filter which is used to make buy, sell, and hold decisions. Historical price data, the trend chann...
BY: Anthony W. Warren, Ph.D.
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Profitability of selected technical indicators by Thomas R Drinka, Steven L. Kille, Eugene R. Mueller The objectives of this paper are to review five popular technical indicators, summarize the capability of microcomputer programs developed jointly in the Department of Agriculture at Western Illinois University and at MicroVest, and present on a periodic basis selected research results generated by these programs. Technical Analysis There are four general approaches to technical market analysis: price charts, trend-following methods, character-of-market analysis, and structural patterns. O...
BY: Thomas P. Drinka and Steven L. Kille
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Cycle plot program listing 1 REM ""Cycle Plot Program"" 2 REM FOR APPLE ] [ COMPUTER. 3 REM BY JOHN F. EHLERS 4 REM COPYRIGHT (C) 1985 BY TECHNICAL ANALYSIS, INC. 10 TEXT : HOME...
BY: Technical Analysis, Inc.
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Sound Off: A case for rising energy prices by Joseph Holleman Editor's Note: Mr Holleman was bold enough to write this in mid-June 1985 for our December issue. Whether correct or not, we feel an example of the thinking behind taking an actual position is valuable for our readers. Turn on your television set or pick up any newspaper these days and it won't be long before you'll be hearing the latest predictions that oil prices will soon collapse. It's even being forecast that soon you'll again be able to find gasoline for 50 cents a gallon at your local gasoline service station. And with OP...
BY: Joseph Holleman
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Stock/Commodity Products MACTRADER (312) 262-1318 Computer: Apple MacIntosh (512K) Richard Batchelor has released MacTrader, trading software combining the powerful graphics of the Maclntosh with on-line update of prices and a disclosed trading system. MacTrader runs on a ""fat Mac"" using ""Radio Exchange"" updates, the same system supporting Pocketquote. A typical MacTrader display shows two bar graphs (using five minutes to one day per bar) with a moving average oscillator on top, a moving average channel lagged and projected on the bar chart together with two moving averages, a line sh...
BY: Technical Analysis, Inc.
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Technical analysis of NYSI/DJI by Howard Waxenberg There is a great amount of technical analysis that is done intraday by number crunching computers that are connected to online databases. For the majority of investors and money managers that do not have access to computers and streams of up-to-the-second data there still remain a great many technical tools that require only some time after the markets have closed, a calculator, and some graph paper. These technical tools, when properly constructed and applied, can produce results equal to, if not better than the workings of a personal compu...
BY: Howard Waxenberg
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Understanding cycles by John F. Ehlers Introduction The first thing we must recognize is that cycle analysis doesn't always work for profitable investment strategy. This is no great surprise, because cycles must be present in the data history for any analysis of them to be valid. Also, to be useful, we must assume that the cycles in the history will extend into the future so that a prediction can be made. This is sometimes impossible because of fundamental issues. For example, a freeze in Florida will probably swamp any technical factors on orange juice futures. Even within these constraints...
BY: John F. Ehlers