ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...When the movement of the Dow Jones Industrial Average and Fibonacci levels are in line, what's it telling you? Let's take a look at the Dow's history and see if its movements are truly random...
BY: Eric MorganSUBJECT: Market Analysis
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Given the recent market volatility, is the decade-long bull market over? And if we did enter a bear market, in what year might the market bottom and a new bull market begin? Here's a market outlook based on an updated look at K-waves and Elliott waves...
BY: Koos van der MerweSUBJECT: Cycles
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...What does 2019 hold for us? While there's no certain answer to that question until the year ends, we can at least look at some "big picture" indicators to make forecas...
BY: Fawad RazaqzadaSUBJECT: Market Outlook
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Want a long-term cyclical outlook for the US stock market? Here's one way to do it...
BY: Mark RivestSUBJECT: Historical Analysis
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Market declines can cause the powerful emotions of fear and greed to take over our decision-making abilities. When you notice that happening, try to think rationally...
BY: Gideon Vigderhous, PhDSUBJECT: Forecasting
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...We are pleased to present the Technical Analysis of STOCKS & COMMODITIES magazine 2019 Readers' Choice Awards (RCA). Each year, we put before our readers a ballot of products and services related to technical analysis and trading. The following pages present the products and services you and your peers chose this year as your favorites...
BY: Technical Analysis, Inc.SUBJECT: Readers' Choice Awards
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...If you weren't subscribing to Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities, The Traders' Magazine, throughout 2018, you missed out on a lot of information. Here is some of what you missed...
BY: Technical Analysis, Inc.SUBJECT: 2018 S&C article list
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...If you're looking for near on-the-spot commentary about what's happening in the markets, you may be interested in Advantage. Here is a sample of the articles you missed in 2018 if you weren't a subscriber...
BY: Technical Analysis, Inc.SUBJECT: 2018 TCA article list