ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Defining The Bull And The Bear by Chuck Dukas "Bullish" and "bearish" are terms frequently used to describe the price behavior of financial instruments. What exactly do they mean? All price action can be categorized into six phases of trends that describe the cycle of markets. You can apply this insight to any financial instrument on any time frame. Although the principles will be illustrated with daily bars, you can utilize the concepts on intraday data, daily, weekly, or any time frames on commodities, stocks, or indexes or in fact any financial instrument subject to market forces. To be ...
BY: Chuck DukasSUBJECT: Trading Techniques
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Forex Focus: Targeting Price And Time With Gann by Cornelius Luca Want to improve your trading performance? Here's a look at some of W.D. Gann's methods. Stocks and commodities trader William Delbert Gann (1878?1955) made fortunes before, during, and after the stock market crash of 1929. His success was facilitated by set complex mathematical methods that combined time and price analysis. While his fans and retracement ratios have gained increasing access and understanding, some of Gann's methods are not as popular or clear, though they still are worth examining. Let us look at some of these...
BY: Cornelius LucaSUBJECT: Forex Focus
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Interview: Bo Yoder by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan Bo Yoder is a professional trader, author, and consultant to the financial industry on matters of trading and risk management. He is a frequent contributor to domestic and international trading publications, and also writes for, Technical Analysis of STOCKS & COMMODITIES, Traders, and Active Trader magazines. In addition, Yoder publishes the Easy Forex Course at, is a featured speaker internationally at seminars and industry expos, and continues to work with individuals and market professionals on matters of risk...
BY: Jayanthi GopalakrishnanSUBJECT: Interview
BY: Jayanthi GopalakrishnanSUBJECT: Opening Position
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Readers' Choice Awards 2007 by Technical Analysis, Inc. We are pleased to present the Technical Analysis of STOCKS & COMMODITIES magazine 2007 Readers' Choice Awards (RCA). Each year, we put before our readers a ballot of products and services related to technical analysis and trading. The following pages present the products and services you and your peers chose this year as your favorites. The Readers' Choice Awards begins each year with a list of products gathered by the editors of STOCKS & COMMODITIES, with space for write-in votes (given that our list doesn't claim to be complete). Then...
BY: Technical Analysis, Inc.SUBJECT: Readers' Choice Awards
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...The Defensive Trader by Adrienne Toghraie Not trading as well as you would like to? Can you take some constructive criticism? No? Sid had a problem with his trading that was losing him money. Instead of waiting for the buy signal from his system, Sid would anticipate the signal and buy too soon. If the trade took a slight tick downward after it was initiated, he would panic and sell. As soon as he sold, the market would resume its upward trend and his signal to buy would appear. When asked about the cause of the problem, Sid vigorously denied that there was a problem with his trading perfor...
BY: Adrienne Laris ToghraieSUBJECT: Trading Psychology
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Stocks & Commodities V. 25:3 (22-24): Trading In Your IRA by John Ehlers This concept lets you trade your IRA with performance that can beat the index dramatically. Trading in your individual retirement account (IRA) usually means selecting which mutual fund to buy. The performance of these mutual funds is gauged relative to the Standard & Poor's 500 or similar index. In this article I will describe some concepts that will allow you to trade your IRA with index-beating performance -- sometimes dramatically. Most IRAs do not allow trading on the short side. Selling short is just the flipside o...
BY: Technical Analysis, Inc.SUBJECT: Software
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Trading Vs. Buy & Hold by Glenn A. Barlis Here's a look at the profit potential of trading compared with buy & hold. Numerous strategies for accumulating wealth through stock investments have held prominence over the years. Conventional wisdom used to be that you bought quality stocks and put them away to collect dividends and capital appreciation. The late 1960s was the heyday of growth stocks, as popularized in Adam Smith's book The Money Game. In recent years, the efficient market hypothesis, which essentially states that only average returns are possible, has become the foundation of con...
BY: Glenn A. BarlisSUBJECT: Trading Techniques
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...What's Your Trading Style? by Martha Stokes Find out which trading style will work for you. There is considerable confusion among traders as to the difference between a strategy, a trading style, and a trading system. A trading style is not a strategy or a trading system. It is a set of parameters and rules you adhere to for every trade you make. Trading styles are as individual as each trader. Once you have a trading style fully developed and implemented, your trading results will improve. A thorough understanding of trading styles will help you eliminate two common problems that plague tr...
BY: Martha Stokes, CMTSUBJECT: Basic Techniques
BY: Matt BlackmanSUBJECT: Market Commentary