ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Quo Vadis? Analyzing Trends In Momentum Momentum pure and simple is fine, but how about the trend of momentum? Here's what it can tell you. by Martin J. Pring Momentum is a generic term that applies to all oscillators, and the principles of momentum interpretation can in general be applied to all oscillators in one way or another. These interpretations are susceptible to overbought/oversold conditions, divergences, and so forth. However, there is an even more useful interpretive technique that can be applied to momentum, and that is to analyze the actual trend of the oscillator. First, it i...
BY: Martin J. PringSUBJECT: Trading Techniques
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...The Basics And Tactics Of A Western Classic High-Probability Point And Figure If you want buy and sell signals from a charting system, point and figure charting may be for you. by Joe Demkovich When you purchase stock in a company, you must make two decisions. The first: Which stock should I buy? (That's fundamental analysis.) The second: When should I buy it? (That's technical analysis.) The fundamental analyst is concerned with financial statements, company history, management, earnings, dividends, industry position, and product popularity. The technical analyst is concerned with supply an...
BY: Joe DemkovichSUBJECT: Classic Techniques
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Music of the Markets - Victor B. Niederhoffer Trader, speculator, author, and more. The name may be familiar, but there's more to the man than just finance. Victor Niederhoffer has served as advisor to, and investor for, famed investor George Soros and as mentor to Monroe Trout and other financial wizards. More: Niederhoffer is also a five-time US national squash champion. More: Among his publication credits are articles in Liberty and The Wall Street Journal, a cover story in National Review exposing Hillary Clinton's cattle trading as a façade, and his book, The Education Of A Speculator. ...
BY: John SweeneySUBJECT: Interview
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...PRAISE FOR EHLERS Editor, I have subscribed to STOCKS & COMMODITIES for several years. It is no exaggeration to say I learn new and useful things from every issue. Many of the things I've learned are included in the consistently profitable trading method I have coalesced. I first learned about the work of John Ehlers from his articles in S&C. Over the past year or so, I have studied and experimented with the various modifications and applications of the Hilbert transform/dominant cycle period as put forth by Ehlers. I have become as big a fan of him as I am of S&C. ...continuded...
BY: Technical Analysis, Inc.SUBJECT: Letters To S&C
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...What If Linear Filters Won't Work For Your Tradable? Nonlinear Ehlers Filters Linear filters like moving averages are great for slow, "stationary" data. Unfortunately, prices aren't slow or stationary. By John Ehlers The most common filters that traders use are moving averages -- either simple moving averages (SMA) or exponential moving averages (EMA). These are linear filters. Linear filters are best for smoothing stationary, slowly varying signals that are corrupted with high-frequency noise. In this instance, "stationary" means that the rules that dictate the underlying process do not cha...
BY: John F. EhlersSUBJECT: Trading Techniques
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...NEW TO OPTIONS I am new to options, although I have been trading stocks for several years. Does the technical analysis I use in stocks also apply to options? Do I need to change anything (such as the parameters of MACDÝ, RSIÝ, and DMIÝ) to adapt to the options market? Do you know of any website that provides charts of options? -- Richard Wilson, via e-mail Trading options is a completely different animal. My brother Bob and I spent more than a decade on various option exchanges (CBOE, PSE, CME), and we were around during the glory years. I say "glory years" because we were able to gain a trem...
BY: Don BrightSUBJECT: Q&A
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...REAL WORLD Read This To Avoid Unpleasant Surprises Retail Trading Myths by Don Bright Besides being licensed, you have other hurdles and benefits to be aware of in trading with other people's money as well as your own. Last time, I outlined some of the primary differences between professional stock trading and retail stock trading. This time, let's explore some of the myths behind retail/online trading. Let me clarify a few things. In general, trading for a living involves 25 to 200 trades per day, and a daily share volume of around 60,000 and up. In contrast, retail investing is when you m...
BY: Don BrightSUBJECT: Real World
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Pinpoint This Pattern The Butterfly Setup There's more than one way to use harmonic patterns to find likely buy/sell candidates. by Rudy Teseo If you've looked for Gartley patterns while scrolling through your charts, it's more than likely that you've discovered some patterns that resemble the Gartley but slant downward rather than upward, the way that the Gartley setup does. This pattern -- sort of Gartley, sort of not -- is known as the butterfly. Like the Gartley, it comes in two forms, bullish and bearish. The bullish butterfly is similar to the Gartley. However, although the same ratios ...
BY: Rudy TeseoSUBJECT: Trading Techniques
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Courses And Seminars They say that the more you learn, the more you know you need to learn. This is true in trading. If you're not fully prepared when you go to trade, you could be the one that the smart money profits from. Education is crucial in trading. If you don't step up to the line with the right tools and know-how to trade the markets, you might as well be gambling -- with the odds on the house's side. But help is available, in the way of courses, seminars, classes, manuals, books, tutorials, even mentors. Readers often ask us how they can further their knowledge and skills in trading ...
BY: Technical Analysis, Inc.SUBJECT: Courses And Seminary
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...? TRADESTATION EASYLANGUAGE Here is some EasyLanguage code I developed to compute the filters presented in my article in this issue, ""Nonlinear Ehlers Filters."" First is the code for the nonlinear Ehlers filter...continuded...
BY: Technical Analysis, Inc.SUBJECT: Traders' Tips