ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Investing in high-yield, low-priced Dow stocks has been a winning game for years -- with the emphasis on "has been."
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Want to know how you can beat one of the broader market indexes? Here's a strategy you can follow.
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...With just one modification, you can create a reliable variation of a money maker.
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS..."The Dogs of the Dow," a popular strategy based on purchasing the highest-yielding stocks each year, is reviewed here using a longer lookback period than originally used, as well as detailed analyses of the risks and rewards. On Beating the Dow, Michael
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...The Dogs of the Dow is a simple, well-known strategy that picks stocks based on yield and trades once a year. Here's a twist on the strategy that buys call options on the strategy's stock picks. Find out how you can implement this approach and how it per