ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...A Twist On The Arms Index by Harley D. Wilbur The Arms index, which was originally known as TRIN (for trading index), utilizes up and down volume and advancing and declining issues for calculation. The indicator, which aims to identify possible turning
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...A helping hand from the Arms Index by James Alphier and Bill Kuhn It was just about 20 years ago when Richard W. Arms, Jr. published in the pages of Barron's his new index number which combined upside and downside volume with the traditionally watched s
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...THE ARMS INDEX The Arms index, also known as TRIN or Trader's Index, was developed by Richard Arms in 1967 to indicate when abnormally high volume is accompanying either advancing or declining stocks. The index is based on the assumption that volume ten
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...The Arms Index by Bruce R. Faber Here's the scoop on the Arms index, a stock market indicator that incorporates the number of advancing and declining stocks with the advancing and declining volume. The index is widely used as an indication of overbought
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Using The Arms Index In Intraday Applications by Richard W. Arms Jr. A few weeks ago, I received a call from an analyst who had read a number of my recent articles in STOCKS & COMMODITIES and had an interesting question. ""I've developed a new index to