ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...How To Use Tick, Tiki, TRIN For Daytrading by Terry O 'Brian These three indicators can be important guides in implementing trading strategies. Could they help you? The tick, the tiki, and the trading index (TRIN) -- indicators that are for the most par
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Interview: Terry Bedford of Bedford & Associates by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan Technician Terry Bedford, president of the Bedford & Associates Research Group, CNBC commentator, and MSN Money columnist, developed an interest in the market early on: at the a
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...The Trader's Reason vs. Emotion by Terry S. Brown In the late 1970s and early 1980s, Victor Sperandeo had a brilliant track record day trading stocks, commodities and especially the Standard & Poor's 500 and NYFE futures. He had an idea. ""I was trading
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Using ProfitTaker by Terry Apple Currently, numerous software packages are available that employ optimization to create technical models for futures trading. Every day I receive calls from traders around the country who are considering buying one of the