ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...By filtering market whipsaw, the trading performance of a trend-following strategy could be greatly improved. Here's how
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Last time in part 1, we presented a filter to help protect your trend-following strategy against whipsaws. This time, we show how to include the effects of volatility to further improve filtering effectiveness and trading performance
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...The New Zealand dollar (NZD) often moves in a predictable manner when in a strong trend, and it brings opportunities when it undergoes short-term corrections. Here's a trading method that allows you to recognize those corrections
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Taming The Volatility Beast by Kevin Lund Take advantage of volatility and play those options. If you've traded options for any length of time, you've probably experienced the following scenario: You spot a stock that seems to have some good swings. Af
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Taming the indicators by Arthur A. Merrill An indicator is often difficult to read because of its wild fluctuations. It may appear optimistic and then dive into bearish territory. Then it might reverse again and turn bullish. Frustrating! A wild indica