ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...CALCULATING AN 11-PERIOD CCI by Thom Hartle, Editor The commodity channel index (CCI) can be calculated using any lookback period chosen by the trader. The Excel spreadsheet shown in sidebar Figure 1 is an 1 l-period CCI for the Dow Jones Industrial Ave
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...CALCULATING AN 11-PERIOD CCI The commodity channel index (CCI) can be calculated using any lookback period chosen by the trader. The Excel spreadsheet shown in sidebar Figure 1 is an 11-period CCI for the Dow Jones Industrial Average. The first step is
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...CALCULATING AN 11-PERIOD CCI The commodity channel index (CCI) can be calculated using any lookback period chosen by the trader. The Excel spreadsheet shown in sidebar Figure 1 is an 11-period CCI for the Dow Jones Industrial Average. The first step is
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Calculating an 11-period CCI by Thom Hartle The commodity channel index (CCI) can be calculated using any lookback period chosen by the trader. The Excel spreadsheet shown in sidebar Figure 1 is an 1 l-period CCI for the Dow Jones Industrial Average. Th
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Calculating an 11-period CCI by Thom Hartle Combining two classic indicators, the commodity channel index (CCI) and Bollinger bands, can be a potent timing tool for options trading. This author was inspired by John Bollinger's article ""Bollinger Bands"