ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Profitability of selected technical indicators by Steven L. Kille and Thomas P. Drinka, Ph.D In previous issues of this magazine, we have reported the results of applying moving averages, momentum, Williams' %R, and Wilder's Relative Strength Index to C
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...In previous issues, these authors reported the results of applying moving averages, momentum, Williams' %R, Wilder's Relative Strength Index (RSI), and Wilder's Directional Movement Indicator (DMI) to Chicago Board of Trade corn and long-term U.S. Treasu
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Profitability of selected technical indicators by Thomas R Drinka, Steven L. Kille, Eugene R. Mueller The objectives of this paper are to review five popular technical indicators, summarize the capability of microcomputer programs developed jointly in t
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Profitability of selected technical indicators: Silver by Thomas P. Drinka and Steven L. Kille In previous issues of this magazine, we reported the results of applying moving averages, momentum, %R, and Relative Strength Index (RSI) to Chicago Board of
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Profitability of selected technical indicators: U.S. T-Bond futures by Steven L. Kille and Thomas P. Drinka In the December 1985 issue of this magazine, we reported the results of applying moving averages, momentum, %R, and Relative Strength (RSI) to fi