ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Developing Hot Zones by Massimiliano Scorpio Can you forecast a bar's close from its open? This technique is helpful in trading recently introduced tradables that don't have historical charts yet, such as single-stock futures. In the December 2001 STOC
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Finding Key Reversals by Massimiliano Scorpio Running this statistical test before creating a system can prove to be helpful. After spending several years analyzing traditional indicators and developing moving averages and oscillator-based systems, I h
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Stocks & Commodities V. 23:7 (58-63): Sidebar: EasyLanguage Code for ProSuite 2001 by Massimiliano Scorpio FUNCTION msPattPos (Numeric Output) Input:Element(NumericSimple); value1=High[1]; value2=Low[1]; value3=(value1+value2)/2; value4=value1+AvgT
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Stocks & Commodities V. 23:7 (58-63): Targeting Your Pattern by Massimiliano Scorpio Two-bar patterns: How to select, reorganize, and trade them. Previously, my articles were focused on finding your favorite configurations using EasyLanguage (EL). I st