ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Predicting Market Data Using The Kalman Filter by R. Martinelli & N. Rhoads The Kalman filter is a two-stage algorithm that assumes there is a smooth trendline within the data that represents the true value of the market before being perturbed by market
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Predicting Market Data Using The Kalman Filter, Pt 2 by R. Martinelli & N. Rhoads Can the Kalman filter be used to predict future price movement? In this second part of this series we answer this question. Previously, we discussed the Kalman filter and
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Here's a unique look at how you can identify market turning points.
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Predicting market order with the Delta phenomenon by J. Welles Wilder Does each market have an underlying order that makes it predictable? The answer is yes. That order makes a riskless trading strategy possible. The Delta phenomenon shows the underly