ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Dow 1000 by Edwin Polokoff There are many ways to succeed in this world, and help can come from an unlikely source. A long time ago, I received a telephone call from a friend and teaching colleague. "Buy a copy of The Saturday Evening Post and read the
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...A Cautionary Tale The Chartist Charts don't lie, just in case you needed a reminder. by Edwin Polokoff I shall never forget George. When I first met him, he was a man in his late 50s, somewhat paunchy, of medium height, dark hair streaked with gray, si
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Working Money: Buy High, Sell Low by Edwin Polokoff Nothing changes. Everything changes. Too many research departments, too many money managers, too many stock market "experts" do not perform up to expected standards. My disillusionment began when I wa