ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Bear Market Survival Kit by Anthony Trongone, PhD, CFP, CTA Any system can produce stellar results when it suggests taking a position in the same direction of a trending market. But what do you do when the market quickly changes direction? Few if any
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...On The Precipice Of The Nearest Dollar Increment by A. Trongone, Phd, CFP, CTA In a bear market, any piece of information that will give traders a slight edge in performance is always welcome. Here's how a stock performs when it is trading in the vicini
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Situational Trading by Anthony Trongone, PhD, CFP, CTA How do you know the markets are beginning to recover? D uring periods of downslides, many cautious investors remain on the sidelines until signs of recovery emerge. Fortunately, trading activity c
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Stocks & Commodities V. 24:6 (44-47): Trade The Chart, Not The System by Anthony Trongone, Ph.D., CFP, CTA This is why you need to constantly monitor the performance of your trading system. Changing economic conditions can affect the performance of any
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Stocks & Commodities V. 24:10 (34-36): Trading In Restrictive Intraday Price Ranges by Anthony Trongone, Ph.D., CFP, CTA When the commodity markets are moving in a narrow price range, are there any trading opportunities? Discover how you can find them a