ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Perry J. Kaufman has been involved in trading, research, and advisory functions at commercial banks, securities houses, central banks, and hedge funds since 1971. His current area of specialty is the design of trading systems, algorithms, and indexes. S&
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Perry J. Kaufman began his career in technical trading in 1969. As the markets grew up and market products grew, he grew with them. His company, Kaufman Signals, offers subscribers daily trading signals before the opening bell. On the occasion of this ma
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Perry Kaufman began his career as a "rocket scientist." In 1971 he became involved in the futures markets and has remained there since. In addition to trading, Kaufman writes extensively on markets, strategies, and trading system research and development
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...V13:06: (260-268): Perry Kaufman On Market Analysis by Thom Hartle Perry Kaufman began his career in the field of trading and market research in 1971. Since then, he has been a money manager, consultant and author of six books, including the popular Com