ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Stocks & Commodities V. 23:5 (48-57): Detecting Breakouts From Flags & Pennants by Markos Katsanos Here's a system to identify and trade flag and pennant formations. In my previous article, I wrote about the measuring implications, duration, and identi
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Stocks & Commodities V. 23:4 (22-31): Measuring Flags And Pennants by Markos Katsanos This new statistically derived formula can help you estimate price targets more accurately. Flags and pennants are my favorite formations, and I have used them in my
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Stocks & Commodities V. 23:5 (48-57): Sidebar: MetaStock Codes: System Test, Flags & Pennants by Markos Katsanos This sidebar contains: METASTOCK CODE: SYSTEM TEST, FLAGS & PENNANTS METASTOCK CODE FOR VFI FORMULA, and METASTOCK EXPLORATION FOR FLAG