ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Price Patterns, Part I by Martin J.Pring This veteran market analyst takes a look at the principles of price formation, one of the basics of technical analysis. In my recent articles, I have covered many basics of technical analysis, ranging from peak
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Price Patterns, Part II by Martin J.Pring This veteran market analyst takes a look at the patterns of price formation. Last time, I covered the basics of chart patterns using rectangles as an example. This time, I will expand on the subject by taking a
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...When you see a chart pattern forming, most likely, others will see it too. What gives you an edge when you trade a chart pattern? This two-part article will help answer that question
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Part 1 of this article showed how you can use a trading system to define the edge that a chart pattern gives you. This concluding part will elaborate on three practical issues relating to this subject: market frictions, sample populations, and capital re