ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...How Good is The Dow Theory? PART I by Bill Dunbar An excellent article on the Dow Theory appeared in the December 1984 issue of this magazine, written by Timothy A. Maguire. The present article may be looked on as an extension of that one but since Magu
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Making spreadsheets part of your trading system Part I by Jim Summers, Ph.D. This column will be all about using Lotus 1-2-3, Release 2.0 as a trading tool. Given the number of programs written for technical analysis fundamental analysis, and portfolio
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Price Patterns, Part I by Martin J.Pring This veteran market analyst takes a look at the principles of price formation, one of the basics of technical analysis. In my recent articles, I have covered many basics of technical analysis, ranging from peak
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Wave Market Analysis Part I by Bryce T. Gilmore As Perry J. Kaufman says in his book Commodity Trading Systems and Methods: ""Speculation is a sophisticated business, and to be successful at it you must make it your business. To compete with a professio