ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...A complete computer trading program Part 4 by John F. Ehlers This is the conclusion of four articles that give a description and listing of an AppletÒ ][ BASIC computer program, enabling you to perform technical analysis on your computer with 48K of mem
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Market profile Part 4 by Thomas Drinka, Ph.D. and Robert L. McNutt Previously, we considered the manner in which the market utilizes price probes and rotation during the trading day to promote trade. Depending on the response of other-time-frame traders
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Opening range breakout Part 4 by Toby Crabel Opening range breakout is a trade in which entry is taken at a predetermined amount above or below the opening range. I've set this predetermined amount (the ""stretch"") through observation. (See Stocks & Co
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Programming the true range in Wilder's DMI system Part 4 by Jim Summers, Ph.D. The March column described the fundamentals of macros. The February column detailed some major points about Wilder's DMI and the system based on it. This time the action gets
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Spread investing Part 4 by Frank Taucher What if you have no interest in trading spreads, but prefer to trade outright commodity contracts? Could you use the same principles developed in the spread investing program laid out in this series of articles a