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Article Archive For Keyword: Jr

  • A simple cycle finder by Curtis McKallip Jr.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...A simple cycle finder by Curtis McKallip Jr. Cycle signatures are patterns created by cycles. If you're familiar with Fourier analysis and maximum entropy methods of cycle analysis you know they produce a pattern called amplitude spectra which requires

  • Are there gaps in your thinking? by Richard W. Arms Jr.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Are there gaps in your thinking? by Richard W. Arms Jr. Usually in the use of technical analysis we are concerned with what happened and how it happened in order to predict what will happen. But there are times when what didn't happen can be as importan

At The Close by Donald W. Pendergast Jr

  • Calculating Relative Strength Of Stocks by Robert L. Hand Jr.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Calculating Relative Strength Of Stocks by Robert L. Hand Jr. Heavy on consumer stocks? You may want to rethink your strategy and make some adjustments to your portfolio. Robert Hand addresses the shift of leadership early this year from consumer stocks

  • Comparing Three Indicators by J.R. Davis

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Comparing Three Indicators by J.R. Davis Three trend-following indicators swing charts, random walks and moving averages are compared as separate mechanical trading methods. Although the markets that we trade are (arguably) fractal in nature and so not

  • Computerizing Elliott by ROBERT R. PRECHTER, JR.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Computerizing Elliott by ROBERT R. PRECHTER, JR. A ny discipline that can be explained and quantifed is ultimately programmable, and the Elloitt Wave Principle is no exception. In fact, many aspects probably could be computerized relatively easily. Howe

  • Conquer The Crash by Robert R. Prechter Jr.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Conquer The Crash by Robert R. Prechter Jr. You Can Survive And Prosper In A Deflationary Depression Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Author: Robert R. Prechter Jr. It is hard to ignore the idiosyncrasies when studying Elliott wave theory.

  • Cross Your Arms by Richard W. Arms Jr.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Cross Your Arms by Richard W. Arms Jr. The dinner had been marvelous, the wine had been perfect, and now my wife and I were arriving at the theater. I knew we were right on time, and I had the tickets in my inside coat pocket. As we walked up to the ent

  • Ease of movement by Richard W. Arms Jr.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Ease of movement by Richard W. Arms Jr. On occasion it seems as though a stock or commodity must have discovered anti-gravity. It moves upward with little effort. Such a move is characterized by increasing volume but similarly increasing price spread on

  • Enhanced Williams %R by Robert J. Kinder, Jr.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Enhanced Williams %R by Robert J. Kinder, Jr. The Enhanced Williams %R Index on Volume and Price (EWRVP) is based on the original %R oscillator constructed by Larry Williams. The original %R . considers only changes in price, while the Enhanced Williams

  • Fibonacci-Based Fractal Form And Elliott Waves by Robert R. Prechter Jr.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Fibonacci-Based Fractal Form And Elliott Waves by Robert R. Prechter Jr. The stock market is a tapestry of mathematical relations governed by Fibonacci number ratios. Here's a look at how you can apply Elliott waves to find these ratios, from a master E

  • Flaws in the roulette wheel by Curtis McKallip, Jr.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Flaws in the roulette wheel by Curtis McKallip, Jr. Few games of chance are perfectly random. To the extent they are NOT, profit may be made by betting on those states which occur with greater than random frequency and against those which occur with les

  • Forex Focus: The US Dollar And Precious Metals by Donald W. Pendergast Jr.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Playing the US dollar versus the precious metals market dynamic is one of the highest-probability trading games around. This is especially significant at major trend reversals. Will the significant support area near 76.00 even hold, much less act a

  • Fractal Analysis by James R. Williamson Jr.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Stocks & Commodities V. 25:4 (36-39): Fractal Analysis by James R. Williamson Jr. Can the complex behavior of the stock market really be reduced to something simple? This article will demonstrate that, over the last 30 to 40 years, the seemingly comple

  • Fundamentals behind technical analysis by Curtis McKallip Jr.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Fundamentals behind technical analysis by Curtis McKallip Jr. Would you believe you are doing fundamental analysis without knowing it when you use technical indicators? No, not GNP, PPP, GPD, J-curves or deflators. That stuff is for government policy ma

Ganntrader I by George M. Edwards, Jr.

Gold Hiccup or Reversal? by Donald W. Pendergast Jr.

  • Insider insight Richard W Arms. Jr.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Insider insight Richard W Arms. Jr. For months the stock in question has done very little. It has moved sideways in a narrow trading range on moderate volume. Suddenly, volume doubles, the stock moves sharply higher, breaking out above the old congestio

  • Investigating chart patterns using Markov analysis by Curtis McKallip, Jr.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Investigating chart patterns using Markov analysis by Curtis McKallip, Jr. Most traders, at one time or another, have utilized elementary price patterns such as trendlines, triangles, gaps, and flags. The identifying characteristics and measuring proper

  • Left brain/right brain, reality and trading the markets by R.E. McMaster, Jr.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Left brain/right brain, reality and trading the markets by R.E. McMaster, Jr. The starting point for success in trading the markets profitably is to perceive market reality accurately. While this may sound obvious enough, most traders enter the marketpl

  • Making A Good System Great by Donald W. Pendergast Jr

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Once you have a trading system, you still need to evaluate it. You can apply optimization strategies to increase profitability, reduce drawdowns, and enhance the stability of your system.

  • Market Forecasting Model: ARIMA by Albert E. Parish Jr., Ph.D.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Market Forecasting Model: ARIMA by Albert E. Parish Jr., Ph.D. Numerous statistical and time series techniques have been adapted for use in modeling futures prices series by using the microcomputer. One such model is the AutoRegressive Integrated Moving

  • Market Vane Transformations by Kenneth L. Kinkopf Jr.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Market Vane Transformations by Kenneth L. Kinkopf Jr. The sentiment readings of the Market Vane service is a poll taken daily from futures trading advisors indicating the percentage that are bullish at that moment. Ironically, market consensus is used a

  • Option Strategies and Neural Networks by Thomas B. Rubino Jr.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Option Strategies and Neural Networks by Thomas B. Rubino Jr. Confidence intervals are a statistical tool that describes the accuracy of a prediction, while neural networks provide predictions. This article combines the two to define the risk in a trade

  • Peaking of a grand supercycle by Robert J. Prechter Jr.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Peaking of a grand supercycle by Robert J. Prechter Jr. For 13 years, A. J. Frost and I have made the case that a great ""fifth wave"" bull market--the termination phase of a longer term uptrend--was in force and that it would be followed by a bigger cras

  • Profits, Pitfalls, Patience by Donald W. Pendergast Jr.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Profits, Pitfalls, Patience by Donald W. Pendergast Jr. Plan your trade, trade your plan. Here's what can happen when a trader plunges into a position without following a trading blueprint. God really watches over children and fools, then I must have b

  • Relative Strength Investing by Robert L. Hand Jr.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Relative Strength Investing by Robert L. Hand Jr. Many believe that the stock market is rigged and the average small investor has no chance against the institutional investors. In reality, the stock market gives the individual investor more opportunity

  • Right On Target by Richard W. Arms Jr.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Right On Target by Richard W. Arms Jr. I used to buy stocks and commodities in the same manner in which Columbus sailed to the New World: I didn't know where I was going when I started out, and when I got there I didn't know where I was. It was a great

  • Robert R. Prechter Jr. on the Elliott Wave Principle by Thom Hartle

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...V14:1 (37-42): Interview: Robert R. Prechter Jr. on the Elliott Wave Principle by Thom Hartle It's inevitable: Anyone who enters into the realm of technical analysis runs into a reference to the Elliott Wave Principle sooner or later. Whether you're an

  • Spread Prices As A Leading Indicator by Curtis McKallip Jr.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Spread Prices As A Leading Indicator by Curtis McKallip Jr. Commodities that are deliverable today trade at a different price than the very same commodity to be delivered in the future. This price differential is called a spread. Spreads exist because

  • Swing Charts by J.R. Davis

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Swing Charts by J.R. Davis A profitable trade has two dimensions: time and space (which, for our purposes, will be known as price change). A trade that occurs in a few seconds is extremely difficult to cash in unless you are directly on the floor. On th

TEM Cattle System by Bruce Babcock, Jr.

  • The Damping Index by Curtis McKallip Jr.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...The Damping Index by Curtis McKallip Jr. Variety is the spice of life -- except when you're trying to optimize a trading system. This new indicator identifies those places on the price graph where highs and lows are getting closer and closer together, an

  • The Investor Preference Index by Cyril V. Smith Jr.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...This indicator, a long-term stock market investment tool, compares the performance of the S&P 500 to the New York Stock Exchange index to measure sentiment. The theory is that investors have a preference for certain types of invest-ments, blue chips vers

The Keys To Trend-Following by Donald W. Pendergast Jr.

  • The Real Advance Decline Line by Frank Barbera Jr., C.M.T.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...The Real Advance Decline Line by Frank Barbera Jr., C.M.T. Each day, stock market analysts calculate the number of stocks closing up versus the number of stocks closing down, resulting in the advance-decline line. This simple arithmetic exercise can hel

  • The Relative Strength Index by J. Welles Wilder, Jr.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...The Relative Strength Index by J. Welles Wilder, Jr. The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is a tool which can add a new dimension to chart interpretation when plotted in conjunction with a daily bar chart. Some of these interpretative factors are: Tops an

  • Trade System Evaluation by Donald W. Pendergast Jr.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Trade System Evaluation by Donald W. Pendergast Jr. Here we evaluate a simple trading system that will enable you to simulate the results of realistic trading with a portfolio of stocks. Evaluating your trading system performance before you put real mo

  • Tweak Those Spreads by Phillips Wiegand Jr.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Tweak Those Spreads by Phillips Wiegand Jr. Is it possible to trade in any environment? Here are the basics of the calendar spread and how it can be used to trade the more volatile securities. It's no secret: Trying to gauge short-term market moves is

  • Using The Arms Index In Intraday Applications by Richard W. Arms Jr.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Using The Arms Index In Intraday Applications by Richard W. Arms Jr. A few weeks ago, I received a call from an analyst who had read a number of my recent articles in STOCKS & COMMODITIES and had an interesting question. ""I've developed a new index to

  • Using basic statistics for stops by Robert W. Hull, Jr.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Using basic statistics for stops by Robert W. Hull, Jr. The primary purpose of this article is to use basic statistics to measure the degree of price volatility that can occur on a daily basis in the copper market. These measures can then be used to pla

  • Volume-adjusted moving averages by Richard W. Arms Jr.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Volume-adjusted moving averages by Richard W. Arms Jr. A moving average line is just that. It smoothes price over time, reducing erratic, shorter-term swings to a smoother, more comprehensible line. Any changes in the parameters of the moving average li

  • What volume is it? by Richard W. Arms, Jr.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...What volume is it? by Richard W. Arms, Jr. Markets often seem unpredictable and erratic. They give the impression of being disorganized because they do not always behave as we think they should. We live by clocks and schedules, yet all too often prices

Working Money: With Trading Systems, Patience Pays Off by D. W. Pendergast Jr.

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