Article Archive For Keyword:
AUTHOR: Frank RitchieDATE: JUL 1996
AUTHOR: Frank AlfonsoDATE: SEP 1987
AUTHOR: Frank TarkanyDATE: APR 1990
DJIA/NYSE Auto/Cross-Correlations by Frank Tarkany
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...DJIA/NYSE Auto/Cross-Correlations by Frank Tarkany
This article investigates auto/cross-correlations for the weekly Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA)
price close and the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) total volume from January 9, 1897 to December
AUTHOR: Frank TarkanyDATE: MAR 1987
AUTHOR: Frank TarkanyDATE: OCT 1986
Developing A Trading Strategy by Frank McGuff
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Developing A Trading Strategy by Frank McGuff
Trading strategies have several required characteristics, ranging from the ability to provide clear, unambiguous signals to the ability to validate each trade against the strategy. Developing and validating
AUTHOR: Frank McGuffDATE: OCT 1994
Frank Gretz of Shields & Company by Thom Hartle
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Frank Gretz of Shields & Company by Thom Hartle
Frank Gretz wears many hats for Shields & Company - technician, broker, money manager and market letter writer (not to mention appearing on CNBC in his capacity as a technical analyst) - but he also undert
AUTHOR: Thom HartleDATE: NOV 1992
AUTHOR: Frank TaucherDATE: SEP 1987
Price/Volume Cross-Correlations in the DJIA by Frank Tarkany
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Price/Volume Cross-Correlations in the DJIA by Frank Tarkany
This article examines the use of a Price Percent Filter (PPF) on daily Dow Jones Industrial Average
(DJIA) closing prices from January 2, 1897 to January 2, 1987. Price changes from the filter
AUTHOR: Frank TarkanyDATE: DEC 1987
AUTHOR: Frank TaucherDATE: OCT 1987
Spread investing - Advanced concepts Part 3 by Frank Taucher
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Spread investing - Advanced concepts Part 3 by Frank Taucher
In the previous installment of this series, I discussed the two tools I use in my seasonal spread
investment program to locate trades that are profitable, reliable and consistent. The objectiv
AUTHOR: Frank TaucherDATE: NOV 1987
AUTHOR: Frank TaucherDATE: DEC 1987
AUTHOR: Frank SulerDATE: DEC 2001
The Real Advance Decline Line by Frank Barbera Jr., C.M.T.
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...The Real Advance Decline Line by Frank Barbera Jr., C.M.T.
Each day, stock market analysts calculate the number of stocks closing up versus the number of stocks closing down, resulting in the advance-decline line. This simple arithmetic exercise can hel
AUTHOR: Frank Barbera Jr., C.M.T.DATE: JUL 1993
Trading windows for technical indicators by Frank Tarkany
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Trading windows for technical indicators
by Frank Tarkany
In a number of articles over the past three years, Stocks & Commodities' authors have developed
evidence that changes in securities prices are generated by a process that is random, stationary an
AUTHOR: Frank TarkanyDATE: NOV 1989
Weekly price and volume by Frank Tarkany
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Weekly price and volume by Frank Tarkany
The daily DJIA closing price and NYSE total volume from January 2, 1897 to December 31, 1985
were used to construct a weekly data series. The week's closing price and total volume contained 4,623
data pairs, abou
AUTHOR: Frank TarkanyDATE: NOV 1986
AUTHOR: Frank TarkanyDATE: APR 1987