Article Archive For Keyword:
Chart Patterns by
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: APR 2003
AUTHOR: Anthony F. HerbstDATE: MAY 1987
Sidebar: The geometry of chart patterns by Teresa Lo
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...V. 22:9 (50-52): Sidebar: The geometry of chart patterns by Teresa Lo
Pattern recognition is made simple using the swing lines of the classic swing indicator. Together with PowerSwing bars (not shown), the indicators act as visual aids, and basic geomet
AUTHOR: Teresa LoDATE: SEP 2004
Uncommon Chart Patterns by Thomas Bulkowski
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Uncommon Chart Patterns by Thomas Bulkowski
Some bullish chart patterns are rare,
and some are simply not well known.
Read this to find out about both.
A few months ago, I received
e-mail from
someone asking about
identification techniques
for chart pa
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: MAY 2003
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: AUG 2005
What Powers Chart Patterns? by Thomas N. Bulkowski
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: MAR 2005
Working Money: The Stepchild of Chart Patterns by Kenny Gilliland
AUTHOR: Kenny GillilandDATE: AUG 2009