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Article Archive For Keyword: Calls

  • Buying Puts And Calls With PROVEST by Jay Kaeppel

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Buying Puts And Calls With PROVEST by Jay Kappel The second article in this series discusses the details of the PROVEST strategy and how you can apply it to trade calls and/ or puts. As discussed in the first part of this series, several key factors sh

Consider Covered Calls ? And The Caveats by Kevin Lund

  • Covered calls by Richard Maturi

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Covered calls by Richard Maturi Sophisticated and neophyte investors alike can benefit from option trading. Though options are typically viewed by many investors as speculative, options can be a very effective conservative investment tool. A stock opti

  • Increasing Return With Covered Calls by Joe Demkovich and Eugene Theriot

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Increasing Return With Covered Calls by Joe Demkovich and Eugene Theriot Worried about how exposed you are to price fluctuation in your options position? Don't be. Here's how you can retain flexibility by using covered-call options. One of the most co

  • Overbought/Oversold, With Covered Calls by Austin Passamonte

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Overbought/Oversold, With Covered Calls by Austin Passamonte Knowing when to buy and when to exit or how to protect equity plays is basic for long-term prosperity. Here is one way to do it using covered calls. Every stock trader should be ready and wil

  • Puts and Covered Calls For Newbies by Moses Sanchez

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Puts and Covered Calls For Newbies by Moses Sanchez Options are complex vehicles but useful for conservative traders who want to purchase their favorite high-yielding dividend stock without having a large downside risk. Here's how you can trade options

  • Using Calls To Create Synthetic Leverage by Matthew J. Stander

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Stocks & Commodities V. 24:3 (62-66): Using Calls To Create Synthetic Leverage by Matthew J. Stander Before you take the plunge and buy a call option, you should consider whether you know everything you can about doing so. Traders frequently buy call o

  • Working Money: Writing Covered Calls by Michael Dunham

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Working Money: Writing Covered Calls by Michael Dunham If you think that options trading is only for short-term traders and speculators, think again. By taking advantage of an option strategy known as covered call writing (selling), you can gather smal

  • Writing Covered Calls

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...If you think that options trading is only for short-term traders and speculators, think again.

  • Writing Covered Calls Part 1: Examining Your Choices

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...In the last series, we provided an introduction to trading options and what this type of instrument is all about. Here, we dive into strategies for option trading by explaining a straightforward, lower-risk type of option trade you can make: the covered

  • Writing Covered Calls Part 2: Opportunities For Option Sellers

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Last time in part 1, we looked at using the option strategy of writing covered calls, including what to consider when you go to write (sell) a covered call. This time, we look at some ways to implement and structure your covered call writes, and consider

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