Article Archive For Keyword:
by Steven
AUTHOR: Steven B. AchelisDATE: MAY 1988
AUTHOR: Steven Schinke, Ph.D.DATE: MAR 1996
AUTHOR: Steven B. AchelisDATE: AUG 1987
AUTHOR: Steven B. Goldstein and Michael N. KahnDATE: FEB 1988
Options Spread Psychology by Steven P. Schinke, Ph.D
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...TRADING PSYCHOLOGY Options Spread Psychology by Steven P. Schinke, Ph.D.
Choosing an options spread strategy depends in part on individual psychology about market conditions. By understanding how emotions affect behavior, traders
can add precision to
AUTHOR: Steven P. Schinke, Ph.DDATE: OCT 1995
Profitability of selected technical indicators by Steven L. Kille and Thomas P. Drinka, Ph.D
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Profitability of selected technical indicators by Steven L. Kille and Thomas P. Drinka, Ph.D
In previous issues of this magazine, we have reported the results of applying moving averages,
momentum, Williams' %R, and Wilder's Relative Strength Index to C
AUTHOR: Steven L. Kille and Thomas P. Drinka, Ph.DDATE: APR 1987
Profitability of selected technical indicators: U.S. T-Bond futures by Steven L. Kille and Thomas P.
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Profitability of selected technical indicators: U.S. T-Bond futures by Steven L. Kille and Thomas P. Drinka
In the December 1985 issue of this magazine, we reported the results of applying moving averages,
momentum, %R, and Relative Strength (RSI) to fi
AUTHOR: Steven L. Kille and Thomas P. Drinka, Ph.DDATE: FEB 1987
The Next Discount Rate Change by Steven M. Morris
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Here's a review of the changes in the discount rate, and the implications for investors.
The Federal Reserve Act of
1913, modified by the banking
acts of 1933 and 1935, created
the Federal Reserve System,
the central bank of the United
States. The resp
AUTHOR: Steven M. MorrisDATE: OCT 1998