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Article Archive For Keyword: by Steve

  • Are Your Profits Robust? by Steve Notis

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Are Your Profits Robust? by Steve Notis Your trading system probably has a set of parameters you think are the most profitable. But is it the most consistent? Here's a technique to find the most robust set that will give you regular profits. For those

  • BASIC programming for technical analysis by Steve Notis

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...BASIC programming for technical analysis by Steve Notis I decided recently to start to program some of my own software after writing for so long about everyone else's. Once I got going, I discovered that programming is not as difficult as I'd anticipate

  • Basic Programming For Technical Analysis, part 2 by Steve Notis

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Basic Programming For Technical Analysis, part 2 by Steve Notis Last month I explained the advantages of doing some of your own programming for technical analysis. I showed you a program called MSTRLST, which allows you to see the real names of CompuTra

  • Beyond Setups by Steve Palmquist

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Stocks & Commodities V. 24:11 (48-51): Beyond Setups by Steve Palmquist There are several aspects to trading beyond your trading setups. Here's a look at five factors that will help you become a better trader. Like most professions, trading requires a

Candlestick Trading Principles by Steve Nison, CMT

  • Chart Your Stocks With Float Charts by Steve Woods

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Stocks & Commodities V. 23:11 (20-27): Chart Your Stocks With Float Charts by Steve Woods Price is king. Volume is queen. Both live in the context of time. But is there a prince or prime minister who has been overlooked? Float charts may have the answer

CompuTrac makes technical analysis a SNAP! by Steve Notis

Filters For Neural Net Trading Models by Steve Helme

  • Finding reliable trading strategies by Steve Kille

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Finding reliable trading strategies by Steve Kille Developing a trading strategy over historical data has become common practice among traders in recent years. The proliferation of micro-computers in our industry has spurred the trend to the point where

  • Float Analysis by Steve Woods and Jan Arps

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Float Analysis by Steve Woods and Jan Arps Here's a close look at the turnover of a stock's float, based on an idea from the works of W.D. Gann, that reveals some dramatic patterns and expands the definition of a base or consolidation zone. The floati

Master Chartist by Steve Notis

MetaStock Professional by Steve Notis

  • Option Valuation Model by Steve Barr

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Option Valuation Model by Steve Barr Radix Research Limited 1652 Mount Batten Pl. Victoria, B.C., Canada V8S 5J9 (604)592-5308. Product: Stock options evaluation program. Price: $250 Canadian. Equipment: IBM PC/XT/AT Have you ever bought a cheap

  • Programming For Technical Analysis Part 3 by Steve Notis

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Programming For Technical Analysis Part 3 by Steve Notis In the last two installments of this column I wrote about Microsoft QuickBASIC being my choice as the best language for a beginner to learn for technical analysis, and I presented a routine to rea

  • Shorting Moving Average Pullbacks by Steve Palmquist

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Stocks & Commodities V. 23:9 (42-47): Shorting Moving Average Pullbacks by Steve Palmquist Do you have a trading system that works well during declining markets? You can add the moving average short system to your toolbox. A successful trader must have

  • Sidebar: EDS code for MAS system by Steve Palmquist

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Stocks & Commodities V. 23:9 (42-47): Sidebar: EDS code for MAS system by Steve Palmquist EDS CODE FOR MAS SYSTEM (for use in AIQ Systems' TradingExpert Pro program) ! Look for stocks in a downtrend LowerCloses if HiVal([close],5) < LoVal([close],20

Technician 5.0 by Steve Notis

  • Testing breakout systems by Steve Notis

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Testing breakout systems by Steve Notis Breakout or volatility systems comprise a large portion of the current glut of publicly offered trading systems. Many of these systems sell for $3,000 or more. For that price you usually get a nice software packag

The DownLoader 2.0 by Steve Notis

  • The Neural Network Financial Wizards by Steve Ward and Marge Sherald

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...The Neural Network Financial Wizards by Steve Ward and Marge Sherald What techniques do some of today's money managers using neural nets use? Here's a glimpse. In these days of more and more ways of applying neural networks, financial experts using neu

  • Trading Moving Average Pullbacks by Steve Palmquist

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Stocks & Commodities V. 23:4 (16-20): Trading Moving Average Pullbacks by Steve Palmquist Many traders have found success in trading pullbacks. But even a popular system needs to incorporate risk management. Every evening, I look over a dozen different

Tweaking The T3 Trading System by Steve Burns

  • What Else Does It Do? by STEVE ROSS

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...What Else Does It Do? by STEVE ROSS More and more people are investing in personal computers. But personal computers are often purchased with only one or two real applications in mind. Many personal computer owners are not programmers, and have no inten

Working Money: Market Timing With Candlesticks by Steve Bigalow

Working Money: Match Your Method To The Market by Steve Palmquist

Working Money: The Candlestick Kicker by Steve Bigalow

Working Money: The Harami: A Strong Reversal Signal by Steve Bigalow

Working Money: The Morning Star by Steve Bigalow

Working Money: Trading Market Conditions by Steve Palmquist

Working Money: Using Relative Strength by Steve Watkins

Working Money: When To Sell? Candlesticks Tell by Steve Bigalow

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