AUTHOR: Paul and Carole HuebotterDATE: AUG 1996
Beat the market with no-load mutual funds by Gary Zin, Ph.D.
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Beat the market with no-load mutual funds
by Gary Zin, Ph.D.
In the past, I have invested in mutual funds based on their long-term performance, typically requiring
that a fund's five-year history exceed the compounded return of Standard & Poor's 500-sto
AUTHOR: Gary Zin, Ph.D.DATE: DEC 1989
Can Members Of Congress Beat The Market?
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...The US Congress passed the Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge Act of 2012, commonly known as the STOCK Act, to help curb potential or apparent trading by members of Congress based on inside or confidential information they may possess. But have memb
AUTHOR: Massoud Metghalchi, PhD, Peggy A. Cloninger, PhD, and JaimeDATE: AUG 2022