ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Many methods can be used to determine the trend of the market. One such method is the use of one- and two-bar reversal patterns.
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Stocks & Commodities V. 23:2 (44-51): Sidebar: eSignal code for Breakout Colored Price Bars by Barbara Star, PhD
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Stocks & Commodities V. 25:6 (28-34): Trading Range Bars by Suri Duddella There are different ways to chart price movements. Here we look at range bars and how they help identify the underlying trend. Bar charts, candlestick charts, and line charts are
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...In this second part of a two-part article, we look at which combination of performance metrics gives you strategy inputs that produce good trading results
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...We've all heard of the parabolic SAR indicator and know how to use it. Here's a different perspective that looks at it in terms of shape, slope, and speed