ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...A MiniGuide to Fourier Spectrum Analysis by ANTHONY WARREN, PH.D./STAFF WRITER The basic idea behind Fourier Analysis of time series is to decompose the data into a sum of sinusoids of varying cycle length, each cycle being a fraction of a common or fun
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Data Filtering Methods For Technical Analysis by ANTHONY WARREN, Ph.D./Technical Analysis staff writer Data filtering methods such as moving averages are quite prevalent in many trading systems. In this article we will discuss a methodology for selectin
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...FOURlER ANALYSIS! IN A NUTSHELL FASTER and BETTER by Anthony Warren Ph.D. For those individuals who are currently using Fourier Spectrum analysis, this article describes some techniques that make the analysis easier to perform and the spectral plots eas
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Fast Fourier Transform EDITOR'S NOTE: To improve program readability the subroutine listed here has been enhanced by a BASIC language list formatter. We hope that this will prove helpful. The assignment statement 'LET' and indentations are not required
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Finite Impulse Response Filter by ANTHONY WARREN, Ph.D. with JACK K. HUTSON Figure 1 and 2 show a comparison of computer output using Fourier analysis Power and then Amplitude plots. It can be seen that the Power Spectrum plot, which is Amplitude square
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Further Analysis of Triple Exponential Smoothing by ANTHONY WARREN, Ph.D./Technical Analysis staff writer In the July issue of Technical Analysis, J. Hutson presented a method of using triple exponential smoothing (TRIX) as a trading oscillator and supp
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Mathematician's Viewpoint. by ANTHONY WARREN PH.D. In this initial article the author will describe his viewpoint on technical analysis and the value of computer based algorithms for enhancing one's chances of success in stock or commodity trading. We w