ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Interview: The Survivors by John Sweeney and Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan As goes the Nasdaq, so does the number of daytraders. Or so it seems. Those who continue to trade as if nothing changed are those who can call themselves, with confidence, traders. For
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...At Mercy Of The Sun Waiting For Market Time Traders use everything under the sun -- and even the sun itself -- to time their trades. by Jayant Sathe and Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan Traders pay a great deal of attention to the trading activity seen during the
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...What You Need To Know About Gaps by Joe Luisi and Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan Have you ever wondered what gaps are and why they occur? Here are the various types, examples - and an answer. Ever had an open position at the close one day, only to find that a