ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Create Your Trading System With John Wang by J. Gopalakrishnan and B. Faber John Wang received his bachelor's degree in chemical physics from University of Sciences and Technologies of China (Ustc), his master's degree in quantum chemistry from Zhongsha
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...FXEducator's Ed Ponsi by J. Gopalakrishnan and B. R. Faber As an experienced professional trader, Ed Ponsi, the president of, has advised hedge funds, institutional traders, and individuals of all levels of skill and experience. He has ma
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Interview: Classic Swing Trading With Linda Bradford Raschke by J. Gopalakrishnan and B. R. Faber Hers is a name that you've probably heard or read any number of times if you've been interested in or involved in technical analysis for very long. Linda B
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...As founder and Ceo of Rockwell Trading, Markus Heitkoetter has shared his trading methods and ideas with more than 300,000 traders in over 196 countries. Heitkoetter started trading stocks 19 years ago, using point & figure charts from numbers pub
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Jared Woodard of Condor Options by J. Gopalakrishnan and B. Faber Knowing how the market moves isn't particularly important, Jared Woodard, our interview subject of the month, explains. Woodard, the principal of Condor Options, has more than a decade of
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Juggling Dynamite With Danielle Park by J. Gopalakrishnan and B. Faber With more than 18 years of professional consulting experience, Danielle Park is an attorney as well as a Chartered Financial Analyst (Cfa) and finance author. Park is a regular guest
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Market Ticker's Karl Denninger by J. Gopalakrishnan and B. Faber Karl Denninger tells you like it is. He is the former Ceo of McsNet, a regional Chicago-area networking and Internet company that operated from 1987 to 1998. McsNet offered several "firsts
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Martin Pring and The Relevance Of Price Trends by J. Gopalakrishnan and B. R. Faber Martin J. Pring entered the financial markets in 1969 and has grown to become a leader in the global investment community. In 1981 he founded Pring Research and began pr
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Quant and Consultant Ernest P. Chan by J. Gopalakrishnan and B. Faber If you're a trader who wants to design your own strategies but would like some guidance, here's someone who's right up your alley. Ernest Chan is a quantitative trader and consultant
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Reducing profit variability from technical trading systems by Milton S. Boyd and B. Wade Brorsen Some technical traders spend a sizable portion of their time searching for the perfect trading system or the ""optimal"" parameters, hoping the newly discov
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...The Danger Zone With Gregory Morris by J. Gopalakrishnan and B. Faber As chief technical analyst for Stadion Money Management, Gregory Morris educates institutional and individual clients on the merits of technical analysis, and it is why Stadion utiliz
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...The value of optimization by Louis P. Lukac and B. Wade Brorsen Optimization based on historical data is used widely in the futures industry to determine the most profitable parameter sets for a trading system. The underlying premise is that if some par