ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...A MiniGuide to Fourier Spectrum Analysis by ANTHONY WARREN, PH.D./STAFF WRITER The basic idea behind Fourier Analysis of time series is to decompose the data into a sum of sinusoids of varying cycle length, each cycle being a fraction of a common or fun
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...An Introduction to Maximum Entropy Method (MEM) Technical Analysis by Anthony W. Warren, PhD RESEARCH Preface to Maximum Entropy Articles A reasonable assumption concerning the motivation of subscribers to Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodities
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Back to Basics With Quantitative Analysis by Anthony J. Macek Ever notice how we seem to want to do things the hard way? Anthony Macek, publisher of the ""Just the Facts"" newsletter, has, and he's proposed a solution to simplify our lives using quantit
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Data Filtering For Trend Channel Analysis by Anthony W. Warren, Ph.D. Trend-following methods typically utilize moving averages of closing price data for buy and sell signals. Often, the signals turn out to be false due to short-term market fluctuations
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Data Filtering Methods For Technical Analysis by ANTHONY WARREN, Ph.D./Technical Analysis staff writer Data filtering methods such as moving averages are quite prevalent in many trading systems. In this article we will discuss a methodology for selectin