ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Market Profile Part 5 by Thomas P. Drinka, Stephen M. Ptasienski and Robby L. Humes To make the information from the Chicago Board of Trade's Market Profile and Liquidity Data Bank reports more useful to traders, we have tabulated time-and-sales as well
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Opening range breakout Part 5 by Toby A. Crabel A trade taken at a predetermined amount above or below the opening price of a given day is called an opening range breakout (ORB).A narrow range four pattern (NR 4) is a day with a daily range that is narr
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Programming for speed Part 5 by Jim Summers, Ph.D. The past several columns discussed macros and led you through some elementary programming to show how to develop one of the indicators used in J. Welles Wilder's Directional Movement Index (DMI) system.