Applying Expert Systems To Trading by Wolf von Ronik
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Applying Expert Systems To Trading by Wolf von Ronik
Artificial intelligence was introduced 50-odd years ago to
model the way humans learn and extrapolate from the
knowledge they glean. How can the theory of expert systems,
one of the two current thoughts of artificial intelligence, be
applied to trading?
In a broad sense, artificial intelligence (AI) is an
attempt to model human learning and decisionmaking.
In recent years AI techniques have
been applied to a diverse number of activities,
including trading. A number of trading software
packages that traders can purchase today
are based upon...
AUTHOR: Wolf von RonikDATE: MAR 2003SUBJECT: Artificial Intelligence
Your Crash Potential by Wolf von Ronik
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Your Crash Potential by Wolf von Ronik
One of the fundamental realities of successful trading is the fact that the longer you can stay alive financially in the market, the greater your chance of monetary gain.
The key to improving your chance of doing so is the implementation of a sound money management policy.
Unfortunately, many neophytes -- as well as a few old hands -- invest most of their energies into trying to create the ultimate, foolproof trading program instead. Money management alone can increase your chances of trading survival. Here's a practical explanation....
AUTHOR: Wolf von RonikDATE: JUL 2001SUBJECT: Statistics