Article Archive For
William T. Erman
Log Spirals In The Stock Market by William T. Erman
In The Stock Market
by William T. Erman
The basic mathematical characteristic of the log spiral is that
even while increasing or decreasing in size, the log spiral
remains constant. This is also true for rectangular spirals,
the parameters of which are determined by their related log
spirals. Many major market moves share the properties and
predetermined progression of these spirals, indicating the
close correlation between multiple manifestations of the
ordered form of nature and the architecture of markets
Three important turning points
between 1974 and 1978 have
AUTHOR: William T. ErmanDATE: FEB 1999SUBJECT: Market Timing
Compound Pivots And Market Symmetry by William T. Erman
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Compound Pivots
And Market Symmetry by William T. Erman
Many traders see only simple symmetry such as a 20-week
bottom-to-bottom move followed by another. Unfortunately,
if indeed there is another 20-week cycle, it could very well
turn out to be 18 weeks or 22 weeks instead of the anticipated
20. Ermanometry, which was introduced to STOCKS & COM-MODITIES
readers in February 1999, considers a 20-day
window, the four-week spread, to be of little help in today's
complex markets. Compound pivots are measured in days
instead of weeks and take into account that markets are both
very precise and sph...
AUTHOR: William T. ErmanDATE: APR 1999SUBJECT: New Technique