Article Archive For
William I. Greenspan
V.14:7 (294-297) Three Turns On The Pivot Point by William Greenspan
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...V.14:7 (294-297) Three Turns On The Pivot Point by William Greenspan
This floor trader updates his previous article
on the pivot point technique with additional
insight on how he uses the method for day
trading S&P futures.
Several years ago, I wrote an article for STOCKS & COMMODITIES describing how professional floor traders use the pivot technique. Although the pivot technique I described works in all futures markets, it responds best to markets with a wide daily trading range, such as the Standard & Poor's 500 index, Treasury bonds, soybeans, wheat and corn. Since then, I have received m...
AUTHOR: William I. GreenspanDATE: JUL 1996SUBJECT: Indicators
Using Stops To Your Advantage by William I. Greenspan
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Using Stops To Your Advantage by William I. Greenspan
Ever feel as though the locals on the floor of the exchange that you trade seem to know where you place your stop-loss orders? Professional traders know where stop-loss orders are, not because someone told them, but because the stops are always in the same place. Learn how a floor trader views the market, the price levels where stop orders will accumulate and how you can avoid being caught.
Is this scenario familiar? You're long Standard & Poor's 500 contracts with a realistic profit objective
and your stop-loss order is in place near th...
AUTHOR: William I. GreenspanDATE: MAR 1994
The Pivot Point For Trading by William I. Greenspan
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...The Pivot Point For Trading by William I. Greenspan
Want to know what the pros use in trading? Well, you're in luck. William Greenspan, the founder of the Commodity Boot Camp and a Chicago Mercantile Exchange floor trader, explains how he uses the pivot technique in trading.
For the first nine years as a professional floor trader, I was oblivious to any technical trading techniques. I traded Treasury bonds, currencies, cattle, soybeans and Standard & Poor's 500 contracts with only fundamental trading techniques. As the markets have become more efficient and in turn I have become -- I hope -- a...
AUTHOR: William I. GreenspanDATE: AUG 1994