Combining A/D Indicators And Volume Patterns by V. Kalitowski and A. von Stuermer
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Stocks & Commodities V. 23:12 (18-27): Combining A/D Indicators And Volume Patterns by V. Kalitowski and A. von Stuermer
Here's a novel approach to market timing that can forecast mid-term runs on the S&P 500.
There are certain critical advance and decline levels
that serve as excellent high-reward/low-risk entry points to go long the Standard & Poor's 500 for a mid-term run. We have found critical levels associated with two A/D ratios applied to the S&P 500. You can, however, use the indicators to trade any of the S&P 500 constituent stocks. We chose the S&P 500 mainly
because many analysts...
AUTHOR: V. Kalitowski and A. von StuermerDATE: DEC 2005SUBJECT: Charting Techniques