The Intra Day Analyst A Report by TIMOTHY C. SLATER/President, Intra Day Analyst Company
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...The Intra Day Analyst -- A Report
by TIMOTHY C. SLATER/President, Intra Day Analyst Company
The last version of The Intra Day Analyst has been in the field for five months. During this time, it has
undergone several revisions responding to users requests for modifications. With the exception of a few
minor ""bugs"" (since reprogrammed), it has been trouble-free. Now that it is in wide use, I offer my
observations and suggestions.
1. A trader should first be accomplished at inter-day trading before attempting to trade intra-day. On the
face of it, this seems like a rather simple statement, but...
AUTHOR: Timothy C. SlaterDATE: MAR 1983