Article Archive For
Thomas Bulkowski
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: MAR 2021SUBJECT: Chart Patterns
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: JUN 2021SUBJECT: Anatomy Of A Trade
Swinging NCR
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Here's a breakdown of a recent momentum swing trade--from the initial search for a trade, to reading the chart, to researching the market context, the reasons for the buy, and the reasons for the exit. Was it successful? We find out. (Spoiler alert: It was)...
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: APR 2021SUBJECT: Anatomy Of A Trade
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: JUN 2020SUBJECT: Charting
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: JUL 2020SUBJECT: Trading Techniques
Is Trading Getting Harder?
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...As some chart patterns become more well known and as more people trade based on charts, have some patterns lost their reliability? Here is some research that could provide some answers, based on almost three decades of data...
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: NOV 2019SUBJECT: At The Close
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: APR 2019SUBJECT: Chart Patterns
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: MAY 2018SUBJECT: Charting
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: AUG 2018SUBJECT: Chart Patterns
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: MAY 2017SUBJECT: Chart Patterns
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: DEC 2017SUBJECT: Charting
The Measure Rule For Price Prediction
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...You stare at a chart to try and figure out where prices will go. Will they go up or down? Here's one way to make a prediction using the height of common chart patterns, and the nice thing is, you can do it with a high degree of probability...
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: OCT 2016SUBJECT: Charting
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: NOV 2016SUBJECT: Charting
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: JUL 2016SUBJECT: Anatomy Of A Trade
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: JAN 2016SUBJECT: Trading Strategies
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: APR 2016SUBJECT: Trading Techniques
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: MAY 2015SUBJECT: Trading Techniques
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: AUG 2015SUBJECT: Real World
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: OCT 2014SUBJECT: Chart patterns
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: MAR 2014SUBJECT: Charting
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: AUG 2014SUBJECT: Money management
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: OCT 2013SUBJECT: Chart patterns
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: MAY 2013SUBJECT: Charting
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: JUL 2013SUBJECT: Trading techniques
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: NOV 2011SUBJECT: Candlestick charting
Investment Candles by Thomas N. Bulkowski
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Which candlesticks work best as reversal or continuation patterns? Find out here.
Investment-grade candlesticks work as reversal or continuation patterns at least
two-thirds of the time (66%), and they are plentiful. By "plentiful," I mean that I
sorted a list of 103 candlestick patterns by how often they appeared in the Standard & Poor's 500 from August 1996 to August 2006. I split the list and discarded the rare ones. That left just 13 candle types, which I describe here....
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: MAY 2011SUBJECT: Candlesticks
What You Don't Know About Candlesticks by Thomas N. Bulkowski
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...In writing my latest book, Encyclopedia Of Candlestick
Charts, I made some startling discoveries. I used more
than 4.7 million candle lines (price bars) for the research
with data going back as far as the 1980s in hundreds of stocks,
but not all stocks covered the entire period.
Re v eRs a l s w i n
One famous technical analyst wrote that continuations perform better than reversals. That would make sense, since it is
easier for price to swim with the tide than against it. There is
just one problem: That's wrong. I tested this on thousands of
chart patterns and candlesticks wi...
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: MAR 2011SUBJECT: Charting
Top 10 Candles That Work
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...In my last article, I described 13 candlesticks that worked
best as reversal or continuation patterns. That means price
closed above the top of the candle pattern or below the
bottom of it, signaling a reversal or continuation not just
once, but reliably in thousands of cases. However, just because
a candle acts as a reversal 66% of the time doesn't mean that
price moves far beyond the candlestick boundaries.
This article discusses candles that perform best over time
-- that trend furthest -- but they may not be good reversal
or continuation candidates....
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: JUN 2011SUBJECT: Trends
Cloudbanks by Thomas N Bulkowski
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: SEP 2010SUBJECT: Charting
Highs & Tight Flags by Thomas Bulkowski
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Stocks & Commodities V. 27:12 (38-42): Highs & Tight Flags by Thomas Bulkowski
Does the high & tight flag work as well as
some say? Find out here.
I have spent 30 years playing the markets. During that time, I have written several books including two encyclopedias covering 166 price patterns from chart patterns to event patterns to candlesticks, but one pattern outperforms the rest: the high & tight flag. New research indicates that this chart pattern may not live up to expectations. Let's take a closer look.
The high & tight flag was popularized by William O'Neil in his book,...
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: DEC 2009SUBJECT: Chart Patterns
At The Close by Thomas Bulkowski
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...At The Close by Thomas Bulkowski
Here's a handy set of tips on what to look for in a stock
to add to your portfolio.
Traders and investors are always shopping for bargain stocks. When you log onto your favorite website and see that the price of a stock has dropped 50%, does the half-off sale mean you should buy? Perhaps. This article reviews shopping tips to help improve your chance of picking a winning stock.
I computed the year-to-year price change of 565 stocks from 2000 to 2009. The table in Figure 1 shows the results. For example...
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: AUG 2009SUBJECT: At The Close
Top-Performing Reversal Candles by Thomas Bulkowski
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Top-Performing Reversal Candles by Thomas Bulkowski
Three candle patterns outperform all others. Can you guess
which ones?
During research for my latest book, Encyclopedia Of
Candlestick Charts, I explored the world of candlesticks
and found which ones worked and which ones
didn't. In this article, I take a closer look at the methodology I used and discuss three candle patterns that
work exceptionally well.
I spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to test short-term
price patterns and found a method I believe works best. For
a candlestick that acts as a reversal, price sh...
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: JUN 2008SUBJECT: Chart Patterns
Sell Using Stops by Thomas Bulkowski
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Stocks & Commodities V. 24:2 (28-32): Sell Using Stops by Thomas Bulkowski
The use of stops separates the professional trader from the amateur investor.
It doesn't matter what price you paid for a stock. What matters most is what you sell it for. Do you spend more time researching a buy candidate than you do a sell candidate? That's not necessarily a bad thing. I know I've turned on my computer only to discover, "Hey! I sold a stock!"
The easiest way to sell a stock is to use a stop. It's
painless. Once the stop is in place, it's almost worryfree. It'll do its job regardless of whether your...
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: FEB 2006SUBJECT: Money Management
What Time Frame Is Right For You? by Thomas Bulkowski
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Stocks & Commodities V. 24:8 (44-47): What Time Frame Is Right For You? by Thomas Bulkowski
Finding the right time frame for your trading may make life easier for you -- and your trading successes more sustainable.
A trader I'll call Jennifer made big bucks at her sales job, and her lifestyle matched her income. She drove a fancy car and lived in a big house. Between sales calls and in her off-hours, she developed a foolproof trading system. So she quit her job and started trading bonds and currencies full time.
I read a recent study that looked at income from traders. Just 4% of those surve...
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: AUG 2006SUBJECT: Novice Traders' Notebook
The Beginning Trader by Thomas Bulkowski
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Stocks & Commodities V. 23:10 (40-44): The Beginning Trader by Thomas Bulkowski
Here are some tips to help a beginning trader
become profitable.
You may be approaching retirement and want to supplement your income or earn enough money to afford the rising cost of health care. You may be
a decade out of college, employed at a boring job, and yearn to have a 30-foot commute. Your dreams may be of trading for a living and making a six-figure income while taking days or even weeks off without a boss asking where you've been. This article will help steer you in the proper direction to achieve tho...
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: OCT 2005SUBJECT: Basic Techniques
What Powers Chart Patterns? by Thomas N. Bulkowski
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: MAR 2005SUBJECT: Charting
The Simple ABC Correction by Thomas N. Bulkowski
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Stocks & Commodities V. 23:1 (52-55): The Simple ABC Correction by Thomas N. Bulkowski
This chart pattern reliably signals an extended move up. Take a look.
An old joke says that if an investor buys land in an earthquake zone, it will be his own fault. When I see a simple ABC correction in a stock, it reminds me of pavement pushed up by an earthquake. The upward price trend shifts downward in a stair-step correction
and then the price trend resumes its upward march,
many times for an extended rally.
Figure 1 shows what I'm talking about. An upward price
trend begins at point 1 and soars to ...
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: JAN 2005SUBJECT: Charting
Volume Shapes And Chart Patterns by Thomas N. Bulkowski
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Stocks & Commodities V. 23:8 (36-39): Volume Shapes And Chart Patterns by Thomas N. Bulkowski
Do volume shapes predict postbreakout performance from chart patterns?
In the second edition of my Encyclopedia Of
Chart Patterns, I introduced a concept that I call volume shapes. I reviewed 38,500 chart patterns and catalogued each according to one of five volume shapes: flat, receding, rising, U, and dome, and then
measured performance after the breakout. Here, I will examine the various volume shapes and some of the chart patterns, and discuss performance.
Flatliners: Figure 1 s...
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: AUG 2005SUBJECT: Chart Patterns
Rotten Apples? Spotting Adam And Eve Double Tops by Thomas N. Bulkowski
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: NOV 2004SUBJECT: Charting
Does Volume Matter? by Thomas N. Bulkowski
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...V. 22:6 (18-22): Does Volume Matter? by Thomas N. Bulkowski
If a chart pattern breaks out on high volume, is it a blessing or a curse?
Recently, I was reading some reviews on for a book on technical analysis, and one reader comment that stuck in my mind was that the author didn't discuss volume. Maybe it's because volume isn't important, I thought. In my daily routine, I rarely look at volume unless I'm considering a trade. Otherwise, it doesn't even appear on my screen. But how important is volume? Does a high-volume breakout really suggest a better-performing pattern? Does a rec...
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: JUN 2004SUBJECT: Charting
Identifying Bearish Chart Patterns (II) by Thomas N. Bulkowski
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Identifying Bearish Chart Patterns (II) by Thomas N. Bulkowski
Here's the second and final installment
about bearish chart patterns.
S omeone I know once
made the bold statement
that there is a
chart pattern for any
trend that ends. I
don't know if that's true, but here are 10 bearish patterns
you should know about.
Island tops are some of the easiest
patterns to recognize. Figure 1 shows
an example. Prices gap upward, meander
around, then gap down. The
gaps align, meaning that they share at
least one common price. Thus, price
seems to hover like a blimp above the
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: JAN 2004
Tiny Chart Patterns: Stinkers Or Stalwarts? by Thomas N. Bulkowski
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Stocks & Commodities V. 22:4 (44-48): Tiny Chart Patterns: Stinkers Or Stalwarts? by Thomas N. Bulkowski
Recognizing tiny chart patterns may be all the edge you need to make a killing in the market, but do they work?
In two prior articles, I discussed bullish chart patterns of long duration. This article discusses smaller chart patterns: some you may have heard about, and some
that may be new to you. None of the patterns is longer than a few days. Daytraders in stocks or commodities
may find them useful, but some of the patterns may also help longer term investors. Sometimes these tiny
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: APR 2004SUBJECT: Charting
Gauging Gaps by Thomas Bulkowski
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Gauging Gaps by Thomas Bulkowski
Should you trade the gap? Here are some gap performance numbers to help you decide.
Suppose you've been following a chart pattern. Say prices gap upward, piercing the trendline in a breakout. Do you buy the stock, expecting an unusually large gain? How long will it be before prices return and close the gap? I will address those questions here.
Prices gap when today's high is below yesterday's low, or today's low is above yesterday's high. A chart of the pattern will show a gap between the prices....
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: SEP 2003SUBJECT: Charting
Predicting Prices With Support And Resistance by Thomas N. Bulkowski
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Predicting Prices With Support And Resistance by Thomas N. Bulkowski
Support and resistance are important chart patterns. Read this to find out why.
I consider support and resistance (SAR) the most important chart patterns. Why? By finding SAR, you can predict how far prices might climb and how far they might fall before you trade. Isn't that worth something? That's like a blackjack dealer sneaking a peek at the top card in the deck and telling you to take it because you'll win. Is he pulling your leg? Does support and resistance work? Let's find out.
First, some definitions. Support occurs...
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: OCT 2003SUBJECT: Charting
The CCI Trade by Thomas Bulkowski
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...The CCI Trade by Thomas Bulkowski
It's not when you buy but when you sell
that counts. These two trades used the
commodity channel index as a sell signal.
Many traders will tell
you it's easy to buy a
stock but difficult to
sell. When you sell
determines whether
you make a profit or a loss. A buy and hold strategy in a
rising market is a winning strategy
-- until the trend changes. After
that, holding on too long leads to
reduced profits and even losses. So
when do you sell?
The easy answer is that you
should sell when prices reach their
maximum, but determining that
point takes skill and luc...
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: NOV 2003
Uncommon Chart Patterns by Thomas Bulkowski
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Uncommon Chart Patterns by Thomas Bulkowski
Some bullish chart patterns are rare,
and some are simply not well known.
Read this to find out about both.
A few months ago, I received
e-mail from
someone asking about
identification techniques
for chart patterns.
I suggested the e-mailer could buy one of my books,
but short of a brain transplant, I could
do little else. This article addresses
the identification problem by highlighting
guidelines for some lesserknown
bullish chart patterns.
In Figure 1 you see a right-angled,
descending, broade...
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: MAY 2003SUBJECT: Charting
The Scoring Trade by Thomas Bulkowski
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...The Scoring Trade by Thomas Bulkowski
Here's a scoring system for symmetrical
triangles that helps predict
How do you make
money in a bear market
without selling
short? By picking
winners. How do
you gain the experience
necessary to pick winners? Good
question. Someone once said you
should print a chart of your favorite
stock each morning, stare at it for
eight hours every day, and then --
two years later -- trade the stock.
There is much truth in that: acquiring
experience has few shortcuts.
I review 225 stocks daily, but it
takes just 15 minutes. As fast as the
computer can loa...
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: MAR 2003SUBJECT: Anatomy Of A Trade
Eve & Adam Double Bottoms by Thomas Bulkowski
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Eve & Adam Double Bottoms by Thomas Bulkowski
If you read this author's first two articles about the Adam and Eve combinations of double bottoms, the Eve & Adam combination should be a snap. It combines elements from the Eve & Eve and Adam & Adam double bottom combinations, with performance that nestles comfortably between the two.
Of the four varieties of Adam and Eve combinations,
the Eve & Adam pattern is the rarest. Just finding good
examples for this article proved challenging. When attempting to distinguish between the double bottom
varieties, compare each bottom with its opposite. If ...
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: JAN 2003SUBJECT: Charting
Adam & Eve Double Bottoms by Thomas Bulkowski
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Adam & Eve Double Bottoms by Thomas Bulkowski
Here's the final part of a four-part
series discussing double bottoms.
If you read my article
in the January 2003
about the
Eve & Adam double
bottom, you can
guess that an Adam & Eve double
bottom (AEDB) is its mirror image. If
you think I saved the best for last,
though, you would be wrong, as an
AEDB's performance falls between
the best-performing Eve & Eve pattern
and the worst-performing Adam
& Adam pattern....
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: FEB 2003SUBJECT: Charting
Identifying Bearish Chart Patterns (I) by Thomas N. Bulkowski
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Identifying Bearish Chart Patterns (I) by Thomas N. Bulkowski
Bearish chart patterns form at the top of a
bear market. What do they look like?
Since March 2003, the market
has been trending upward.
As I write this in August
2003, I'm starting to see bearish
chart patterns dotting the
stock market landscape like
storm clouds brewing. What should you know
about bearish chart patterns? This two-part
article takes a close look at them.
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: DEC 2003SUBJECT: Charting
Bullish Chart Patterns by Thomas Bulkowski
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Bullish Chart Patterns by Thomas Bulkowski
Can you recognize bullish patterns
when they appear? Find out what
they look like here.
One day, the market
will find a bottom
and start building a
base from which to
launch another bull
market. Will your market. Will your
trading missiles be ready? How will
you know when the time comes to turn
the key and start buying again? One
way is to look for bullish chart patterns
and trade them, cautiously, when they
appear. What should you look for? To
answer that, let's look at some of the
more common chart patterns.
Figure 1 shows a g...
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: APR 2003SUBJECT: Charting
The Truth About Trendlines by Thomas Bulkowski
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...The Truth About Trendlines by Thomas Bulkowski
Many of the rumors about trendlines are true. Find out what the facts are here.
Is it true that the longer a trendline is, the more significant it becomes? The answer is yes, but this in turn raises other questions. How long should the trendline be to qualify? What is meant by significant? While researching my book Trading Classic Chart Patterns I found lots of platitudes, but little substance. No one seemed to knowhow well trendlines behaved, or at any rate no one was telling. I decided to find out.
In case you are unfamiliar w...
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: OCT 2002SUBJECT: Classic Techniques
Eve & Eve Double Bottom by Thomas Bulkowski
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Eve & Eve Double Bottom by Thomas Bulkowski
Here's a look at one of the four combinations
of double bottoms.
You may be familiar with double bottoms,
but have you ever heard of an Eve & Eve
double bottom? I hadn't heard of them
myself until a few years ago, when I was
researching my latest book, Trading
Classic Chart Patterns. After discovering
the Adam & Eve combinations of double
bottoms on, I expanded their findings
to include all four types: Eve & Eve, Adam & Adam, Eve & Adam, and Adam & Eve. I'll
discuss the latter three types in future articles.
This article will focu...
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: NOV 2002SUBJECT: Charting
Making Cents Of Throwbacks And Pullbacks by Thomas Bulkowski
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Making Cents Of Throwbacks And Pullbacks by Thomas Bulkowski
What are they and how can we use them? Find out what they are and how they perform.
When I started investing more than 20 years ago, I thought technical analysis was nothing more than mysterious squiggles on a chart. Now, I am a chart pattern trader who's not afraid to dig for answers. While completing work on my latest book, Trading Classic Chart Patterns, I uncovered some intriguing performance tips for stock investors and chart pattern traders. This article discusses those tips for
throwbacks and pullbacks.
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: JUN 2002SUBJECT: Charting
Adam & Adam Double Bottom by Thomas Bulkowski
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Adam & Adam Double Bottom by Thomas Bulkowski
If you see this type of double bottom,
it may mean you need to make a
quick exit.
discussed the Eve
& Eve double bottom
chart pattern
in the November
2002 STOCKS &
the Eve & Eve double bottom represents the classic
double bottom, then the Adam &
Adam must be the new kid on the
block. It lacks everything the Eve &
Eve double bottom has going for it....
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: DEC 2002SUBJECT: Charting
The Bounce Trade by Thomas Bulkowski
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...The Bounce Trade by Thomas Bulkowski
A double bounce following a long decline spells a trading opportunity. Find out why.
I 'm not sure exactly how I happened upon this chart
pattern. I noticed that after a long, perhaps straight-line
decline, stocks often bounce -- not once but twice. Figure 1 displays an example of this. In the fall of 1997, National Semiconductor (NSM) peaked at $42.875, along with other stocks in the semiconductor industry. A year later, it reached a low of just $7.4375, an astounding decline of 83%. As can be expected, but rarely anticipated correctly, the stock bounced....
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: AUG 2002SUBJECT: Anatomy Of A Trade
Chart Pattern Surprises by Thomas Bulkowski
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Chart Pattern Surprises by Thomas Bulkowski
What chart patterns are really reliable, portending significant moves? This S&C author did some research,and we present the results from his survey of some 15,000 patterns.
In exploring and answering questions about the stock data we follow and the technical tools we use, sometimes we make startling discoveries. These discoveries may help you improve your investment performance or just add to your general knowledge. I spent a year studying more than 15,000 chart patterns while I was working on my book, Encyclopedia Of Chart Patterns . Of the dozens...
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: SEP 2000SUBJECT: Novice Traders' Notebook
Are Three-Bar Patterns Reliable For Stocks? by Thomas Bulkowski
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Are Three-Bar Patterns
Reliable For Stocks?
by Thomas Bulkowski
Futures traders often use a three-bar swing low as a reversal
pattern,but is the three-bar pattern reliable for stocks?Find
out here.
I discovered this gem of a pattern while prospecting for ideas
in a recent issue of STOCKS &
COMMODITIES.In the interview
with Kevin Haggerty was the
following pattern description:
One example [to determine a change in direction ]is a three-bar pattern,which is the same one
that futures traders use.The stock establishes a
low price as a swing point.Once the stock closes
above the high of the low ...
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: JAN 2000SUBJECT: Trading Techniques
The Dead Cat Bounce by Thomas Bulkowski
Cat Bounce
If you trade stocks long enough, you might have an event take
your stock down 25% to 70% in a single session. Then the
situation gets grim. Here's a review of the dead cat bounce
chart pattern and a strategy to minimize any additional
Warren was a novice investor
who'd never suffered some of
the ups and downs of a volatile
market. He called me shortly
after the market closed one day,
and he was so excited, it took
me a moment to recognize his
voice: "Oxford just went from
69 to 26. That's a decline of
62%! I'm thinking of buying
because after such a large drop
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: SEP 1999SUBJECT: Real World
Improving The Win-Loss Ratio With The Relative Strength Index by Thomas Bulkowski
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Improving The Win-Loss Ratio With The Relative Strength Index by Thomas Bulkowski
Here's a refresher on the relative strength index, and how to improve your win-loss ratio.
Technical analysts can be divided into two basic camps -- those who rely on charts and those who use indicators. Of course, you can use both methods; you might even want to combine them using statistics. If you know your indicator well enough, you should be able to examine any chart and tell when the indicator is going to signal. That may be part of the secret of being a successful investor: Knowing when your tools work a...
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: MAR 1998SUBJECT: Novice Traders' Notebook
Double Tops by Thomas Bulkowski
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Double Tops by Thomas Bulkowski
It takes more than twin peaks to make a double top. Here's a refresher on the formation.
Double tops aren't hard to identify. Novice investors with just a smattering of technical knowledge can identify any two peaks close together as a double top. But there's more to double tops than simple identification, and in my study of the formation and creating subroutines to recognize them, the selection criteria came into sharp focus. A good example of a double top is shown in Figure 1 and distinguishing characteristics are outlined in Figure 2.
The twin peaks are t...
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: JAN 1998SUBJECT: Novice Traders' Notebook
Double Bottoms by Thomas Bulkowski
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Double Bottoms by Thomas Bulkowski
The mirror image of a double top, the double bottom is a more profitable longer-term play. Find out why.
At first, I thought double bottoms were just double tops flipped upside down, but I was wrong. It's not the formation that's the puzzle; it's the price trend leading to a double bottom. With double tops and many reversal
patterns appearing near the top of a price series, the approach leading to the pattern is usually steep. Prices rise rapidly, execute a reversal pattern, then drop just as quickly. With bottom formations, you can still have that type of...
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: FEB 1998SUBJECT: Novice Traders' Notebook
V.15:11 (516-521) The Weekly Reversal by Thomas Bulkowski
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...What's a weekly reversal and how does it work? Here's a refresher on this intriguing formation.
Maybe you've felt it. Every once in
a while, you feel really good.
You begin to believe that you know
everything there is to know about
a subject. You know that's not
true, but the feeling persists. And
such was the case when I started
reading analyst John Murphy's
latest work, The Visual Investor.
After reading the first chapter,
however, I knew I was wrong; I didn't know everything there
was to know about technical analysis. I discovered weekly
reversals. So what are they and how well do they re...
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: NOV 1997SUBJECT: Novice Traders' Notebook
On Rising Wedges by Thomas Bulkowski
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...On Rising Wedges by Thomas Bulkowski
As your stock rises and sector rotation becomes more pronounced, it's wise to be alert to a chart formation called a rising wedge. Rising wedges can get you out at the top before your stock tumbles. Here's a refresher on this intriguing formation.
Rising and falling wedges share common traits with the triangle family. In previous articles, I discussed
three forms of triangles -- symmetrical, ascending and descending triangles. Recall that symmetrical triangles have bounding lines -- one slopes upward, while the other slopes downward. In ascending triangles...
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: MAY 1997SUBJECT: Novice Traders' Notebook
The Bump-And-Run Reversal by Thomas Bulkowski
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...The Bump-And-Run Reversal by Thomas Bulkowski
Here's a new chart pattern that suggests when to take profits before a trend change begins. Included is a review of past performance.
Isn't it strange how an idea occurs? Being hit by a falling apple led Sir Isaac Newton to extrapolate that the apple was acted upon by the same force as that which allows the moon to orbit the Earth. Similarly, while I was doing research on price prediction, a thought came to me when I came across an illustration showing the measure of a head-and-shoulders formation. I wondered if there were a simple measuring tech...
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: JUN 1997SUBJECT: New Techniques
Beta-Adjusting Trailing Stops by Thomas Bulkowski
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Beta-Adjusting Trailing Stops by Thomas Bulkowski
Have you ever wondered how to improve the performance of your favorite indicator or trading system? By using your indicator to signal a buy and a beta-adjusted trailing stop to get you out, you could improve your investing results.
If you're like many traders new to technical analysis, you spend scores of hours adjusting parameters on indicators trying to improve your trading system's performance. You may have tried to combine several indicators to help gauge buy and sell decisions. You may have tried to add your own special twist to popular...
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: JAN 1997SUBJECT: Money Management
The Head-and-Shoulders Formation by Thomas Bulkowski
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...The Head-and-Shoulders Formation
by Thomas Bulkowski
I was doing research in the public library when a staffer asked me if I could help an elderly lady find a chart of TWA [TWA]. The investment materials are sparse at the library and the periodicals that were available didn't have what she needed. The library does have an Internet connection, how-ever, so we went surfing looking for a Web page to chart the stock. Within minutes, we had printed out what she was looking for.
Before the ink was dry, she asked me if I knew anything
about charts. I told her I did, a little, at which she pointed ...
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: AUG 1997
The Failed Trade by Thomas Bulkowski
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...The Failed Trade by Thomas Bulkowski
Sometimes a trade doesn't work out the way you hoped it would, but you can always learn from your mistakes if you take the time to review your trades. Take a lesson from this failed trade.
After I began trading in the stock market in earnest, I started a notebook with commentary about all my trades. In it, I discuss the reasons for buying a stock and note them shortly after purchase. When I sell a stock, I note reasons for the success or failure of the trade. The notebook is divided into investment styles: Trend channel trade, triangles, 1-2-3 trend chang...
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: APR 1997SUBJECT: Anatomy of a Trade
On Symmetrical Triangles by Thomas Bulkowski
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...On Symmetrical Triangles by Thomas Bulkowski
You might have seen triangle formations and wondered what they were all about. You might have been caught on the losing side of a descending triangle and wondered what happened. For those of you who've wondered what was going on, here's the first part of a two-part refresher course on the three basic types of
triangle formations and how to use them in your investment decisions.
Before I buy a stock, I search the price chart for familiar patterns. The last thing I want to do is to purchase a stock, only to see it drop down beyond my stop, resulting...
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: OCT 1996SUBJECT: Novice Traders' Notebook
V.14:11.Ascending and Descending Triangles by Thomas Bulkowski
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Ascending And Descending Triangles by Thomas Bulkowski
Last issue, symmetrical triangles and the ways to trade with this particular chart formation were the topic at hand. This month, we present two more variations of the triangle, the ascending and descending triangles, their attributes and how to use them in your investment decisions.
Triangles are a class of chart formations that serve as a pictorial description of a market that is marking time. Often, a triangle represents a consolidation after a trend, allowing for the news driving the trend to be fully discounted by the market particip...
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: NOV 1996SUBJECT: Novice Traders' Notebook
A Trend Channel Trade by Thomas Bulkowski
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...A Trend Channel Trade by Thomas Bulkowski
Here's a trade that combines fundamentals, trend channels, pattern recognition
and volume.
Selecting a stock to trade means more than just throwing darts. For my own trading, I use statistically positioned
trend channels, a method that allows me to define the boundaries of a trend. When dealing with trend channels,
you're faced with a declining stock that you still want to purchase. What makes you so sure that the stock will turn
around and climb instead of plummeting? Here's a top-down approach to trading the trend channel, using market trend analys...
AUTHOR: Thomas BulkowskiDATE: APR 1996SUBJECT: Real World