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Article Archive For Steve Notis

  • Are Your Profits Robust? by Steve Notis

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Are Your Profits Robust? by Steve Notis Your trading system probably has a set of parameters you think are the most profitable. But is it the most consistent? Here's a technique to find the most robust set that will give you regular profits. For those who use trading systems, the most important concern should not be to find parameters that yield the greatest profit; rather, it should be to find the most robust parameters. Anyone can tweak a system until it shows startling results, but unless those parameters are robust, they will not hold up in real-world trading. Several testing methods ca...

  • BASIC programming for technical analysis by Steve Notis

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...BASIC programming for technical analysis by Steve Notis I decided recently to start to program some of my own software after writing for so long about everyone else's. Once I got going, I discovered that programming is not as difficult as I'd anticipated. Anyone comfortable getting around his or her hard disk with DOS and perhaps writing ""batch"" and ""config.sys"" files can learn to do a surprising amount of programming in a very short time. For readers who want to gain new skills but hesitate to take the plunge, this article, the first of a series, will be a chronicle of my adventures as ...

  • Basic Programming For Technical Analysis, part 2 by Steve Notis

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Basic Programming For Technical Analysis, part 2 by Steve Notis Last month I explained the advantages of doing some of your own programming for technical analysis. I showed you a program called MSTRLST, which allows you to see the real names of CompuTrac and MetaStock files. In addition, I wrote about Microsoft QuickBASIC as my choice for a beginner's programming language. Since then, I have read an article in Byte by William Gates, founder of Microsoft and coauthor of the first BASIC interpreter for the IBM personal computer. The article was occasioned by BASIC's 25th birthday, and reading i...

  • Programming For Technical Analysis Part 3 by Steve Notis

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Programming For Technical Analysis Part 3 by Steve Notis In the last two installments of this column I wrote about Microsoft QuickBASIC being my choice as the best language for a beginner to learn for technical analysis, and I presented a routine to read CompuTrac format data files. I also presented a crude but working technical analysis charting program with source code. The TACHART.BAS program that I presented last issue demonstrated the techniques needed to scale and plot charts and indicators. It is not a ""bulletproof"" program in that there are no routines to reject improper entries b...

  • Testing breakout systems by Steve Notis

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Testing breakout systems by Steve Notis Breakout or volatility systems comprise a large portion of the current glut of publicly offered trading systems. Many of these systems sell for $3,000 or more. For that price you usually get a nice software package which will run optimizations on several variable parameters and give you a printout of the most profitable runs. Whether you can make money using those parameters is an open question. Aside from the software, you are buying the system designer's logic, whether fully disclosed or proprietary, which is embedded in the software. You can adjust ...

The DownLoader 2.0 by Steve Notis

CompuTrac makes technical analysis a SNAP! by Steve Notis

Master Chartist by Steve Notis

Technician 5.0 by Steve Notis

MetaStock Professional by Steve Notis

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