New Dimensions In Market Charts by Salvatore J. Chiappone, DDS
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Like the markets, technical analysis evolves. This article
details the construction and use of bar-chart types beginning
with a short review of older forms -- bar charts, candlesticks
and Equivolume -- and a presentation of two new forms,
flagbars and timebars.
The market is a profit-and-loss
drama; rewards await for those
who read it right, and penalties
for those who read it wrong.
Mastering various techniques
is key, and the first step is to be
familiar with charting forms --
learn what they do and use them
to fit a need. Charts and their
specific forms graphically represent
the activity taki...
AUTHOR: Salvatore J. Chiappone, DDSDATE: DEC 1997SUBJECT: New Techniques