Article Archive For
Ron Jaenisch
AUTHOR: Ron JaenischDATE: JAN 2016SUBJECT: At The Close
The Andrews Line by Ron Jaenisch
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...The Andrews Line by Ron Jaenisch
Here's a charting method to determine market trend and identify reversal
points to set up trading opportunities.
When Alan Hall Andrews taught investors how to use what is now referred to as the Andrews pitchfork
charting technique , he probably never envisioned that this aspect of his method would be found today in
many technical analysis computer programs. His goal, through his original 60-page course on the
action-reaction method, of which the pitchfork charting technique is part, was to teach how to make money by
forecasting markets. His course was a summ...
AUTHOR: Ron JaenischDATE: OCT 1996SUBJECT: Classic Technique
Combining Andrews With Elliott Wave High by Ron Jaenisch
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Combining Andrews With Elliott Wave High by Ron Jaenisch
The first concept that a student of the Elliott wave theory learns is about the five-wave structure of a move. The first concept that a student of the Andrews method learns is that prices make the median line about 80% of the time. The two concepts are compatible and they are also complementary.
To draw an Andrews median line, do the following:
1. Find three consecutive pivots, sometimes referred to as turns or ends of Elliott waves.
2. Label the pivots A, B and C.
3. Draw a line between point B and C and label the midpoint of that ...
AUTHOR: Ron JaenischDATE: DEC 1990
Can you draw a straight line? by Ron Jaenisch
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Can you draw a straight line?
by Ron Jaenisch
The stock market has reached record highs and the markets are dominated by large financial
institutions with vast computer systems to aid them in their decision making. If the average investor turns
to the experts who write newsletters, varying opinions will be found. These days, if one doesn't have a
personal computer, one supposedly isn't managing his or finances properly.
Even with all this technology, the question often remains: Is this the end of the move or will it go further?
Now, the investor with even the most sophisticated computers can...
AUTHOR: Ron JaenischDATE: DEC 1989
Market entry with action/reaction lines by Ron Jaenisch
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Market entry with action/reaction lines
by Ron Jaenisch
Action/Reaction lines are a charting technique developed in the early 1900s by Roger Babson, who
founded the Babson Business Institute in Massachusetts and believed Newton's laws of gravity affected
the markets.
At the heart of the Action/Reaction Method is the age-old physical sciences law that every action has an
equal and opposite reaction. In its simplest form, the Action/Reaction Method shows a trader when and
where to add on positions if a market is in a strong trend.
This is accomplished by drawing peak-to-low Action/Reaction Li...
AUTHOR: Ron JaenischDATE: AUG 1988
An after-Christmas story by Ron Jaenisch
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...An after-Christmas story by Ron Jaenisch
Santa completed his rounds at Christmas and went on a one-month vacation in Mexico. When he got
back to the North Pole he realized that it was once again time to raise funds for the Christmas toys. Since
it was only February he knew he had lots of time.
""I've got more than $40,000 left over from last Christmas and I'll be needing $4 million this year,"" he said
to Mrs. Claus.
She answered, ""Dear, this year instead of doing fund-raisers what about raising it by trading the futures
""You may have a point there,"" he said. ""After all, thes...
AUTHOR: Ron JaenischDATE: APR 1987
Fears of the trader by Ron Jaenisch
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Fears of the trader by Ron Jaenisch
In order to eliminate fear from trading it may be useful to have an understanding of what it is and how
we generate it. Fear is actually a form of excitement and the only physiological difference between fear
and excitement is an individual's breathing pattern. Next time you feel fear notice 1) your shallow
breathing, 2) the things you are saying to yourself, and 3) the pictures in your mind.
It has already been proven that what people feel has everything to do with what they imagine and nothing
to do with reality. Reality is nothing more than a stimulus s...
AUTHOR: Ron JaenischDATE: SEP 1986
Jaenisch, a student of Professor Allen Andrews, reviews some of the Andrews Median Line and pivot point techniques in a whimsical story about trading Santa's account.
It was September 15, 1984 and time was getting short. Usually by the middle of September all the raw
materials and supplies had been purchased and over 80 percent of the toys assembled. This year Santa
knew he was in deep trouble. He needed one million dollars and only had $100,000. He looked at his
production schedule and surmised that he could somehow make all the toys needed for Christmas i...
AUTHOR: Ron JaenischDATE: FEB 1986