Article Archive For
Robert J. Hamilton
Managing Emotions And Money by Robert J. Hamilton
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Managing Emotions And Money
by Robert J. Hamilton
The pitfalls of trading are well known to investors as well as traders. As perils go, the star performers
by far and away are hope, fear and greed. The mavens of trading theory agree that avoiding these pitfalls
will lead to successful and profitable trading. The problem is, the mavens never tell you how to avoid
those pitfalls successfully. They don't even tell you how to get a good commission discount.
Successful option and commodity traders usually won't admit the ""h"" word--hope--to their trading
vocabulary. They know that whenever you get...
AUTHOR: Robert J. HamiltonDATE: JAN 1991
Using Options In Risk Management by Robert J. Hamilton
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Using Options In Risk Management by Robert J. Hamilton
Before options were available, the primary vehicle used for risk management was the stop-loss order. Stop-loss orders allow a certain degree of risk management, but they don't allow the user to absolutely define the amount of risk. Nowadays, put and call options can be utilized to define and implement risk management. Learn these basic risk-management strategies using options.
In the past, when futures and securities were traded before options were available, the primary vehicle
with which to manage risk was the stop-loss order. Stop-los...
AUTHOR: Robert J. HamiltonDATE: AUG 1991