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Article Archive For Phil Abel

  • Diversification And Your Portfolio by Phil Abel

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Diversification And Your Portfolio by Phil Abel Thinking about adding financial and commodity futures to your trading? Here's how it can improve profitability and reduce risk. Stockpicking can enhance a portfolio, but only to a certain extent. If you incorporate additional markets such as financial and commodity futures, it can substantially enhance performance and reduce risk. The trader or investor who has chiefly invested in stocks and has not yet considered the possibility of diversification into other markets may find adding financial and commodity futures to his or her portfolio a high...

  • Casino Trading by Phil Abel

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Casino Trading by Phil Abel The Monte Carlo simulation, a statistical technique used to model the expected outcomes of a random series of events such as a casino game, also has valuable applications in the evaluation of a systematic trading program. When you think of a successful trader, what comes to mind? Chances are you conjure up the image of a financial sage like Warren Buffett or George Soros, someone who can seemingly gaze into a crystal ball and pick out a winner. Or maybe you picture a commodity pit trader, hardened and wizened from days spent in battle on the exchange floor. Now w...

Aftermath Of The Bubble by Phil Abel

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